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Discussion id : 124-293
most recent 12 DEC 20 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 11 DEC 20 by ThomasR
Hello, last year I was trying to identify two rose bushes growing both sides of an old farm's window. I presumed both bushes were the same, but on my last visit I noticed one bush produced very round hips while the other had not so perfectly round hips. Is such a variation a proof that both roses are not the same ? The bushes, or at least one of them, could be Crimson Glory ; after some days in a vase, the flowers start developing a very bad, putrid scent (also noticed on another old red rose).
Reply #1 of 3 posted 12 DEC 20 by HubertG
Subtle variation like that in the shape of those hips probably isn't enough to discern the two roses are different especially if they seem identical in other respects.
Reply #2 of 3 posted 12 DEC 20 by ThomasR
Thank you HuberG, your answer is helpful ! In the future I will try to have a more careful look at these roses, but they did seem to be the same to my untrained eyes. Best regards, Thomas.
Reply #3 of 3 posted 12 DEC 20 by HubertG
You're welcome! And it also makes sense that they might have planted the same fragrant rose on either side of the window to allow the scent in the house.
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