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Initial post 2 days ago by odinthor
If, as 'tis said, this rose is named after Lady Mary Wentworth-Fitzwilliam (January 9, 1845–July 1, 1921), that lady had married Hugh Le Despenser Boscawen on May 23, 1872, and was still married to that gentleman at the time of the introduction of the rose (and indeed continued so to his death in 1908), and so was, at the time the rose was introduced, Lady Mary Boscawen. It seems strange to be dubbing the rose after her pre-married name of a decade and more earlier; but perhaps those more familiar with the traditions and ways of the British aristocracy than I could favor us with an opinion.
Reply #1 of 4 posted yesterday by jedmar
Is it possible that the seedling was named 'Lady Mary Fitzwilliam' on or prior to her marriage in 1872, but officially launched only 10 years later?
Reply #2 of 4 posted yesterday by Lee H.
I do not find a title associated with Mr. Boscawen, so he may have been a commoner. It may have been a social courtesy to continue calling her by her noble title, although she may no longer have been legally entitled to it.
Reply #3 of 4 posted yesterday by odinthor
Boscawen was the son (third child, second son) of a Viscount, which made him an "Honourable" rather than a "Lord," so yes you could be right that the lady in question could revert name-wise to her original higher noble title; I don't know what the practice is in aristocratic circles.
Reply #4 of 4 posted today by HubertG
I think it's more likely that the Lady Mary Fitzwilliam in question is Lady Mary Butler, born Mary Grace Louisa Butler, daughter to John Butler, 2nd Marquess of Ormonde and his wife Frances. She was born in Kilkenny, Ireland in 1846 and died in Malton, Yorkshire in 1929. She married on 11 July 1877 the Hon. Henry Fitzwilliam, the brother of the lady discussed in the prior posts, who was the second son to the 6th Earl Fitzwilliam, and also an M.P.
Unless I'm mistaken, as the daughter of a marquess who married a lesser son of an earl she was entitled to retain her first name in her courtesy title after her marriage, so she was styled Lady Mary Fitzwilliam rather than Lady Henry Fitzwilliam, although I admit I'm a little confused regarding this courtesy usage since he was also an M.P.

There's a photo of a Lady Mary Fitzwilliam facing page 152 in the memoirs 'Looking Back' by Sir Seymour Fortescue. Taken onboard the HMS Surprise, included in the photo is the Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh, and it must date from 1886-87, the years that Seymour was First-Lieutenant of the 'Surprise'. Although I can't be certain that this is the Lady Mary the rose was named for, the fact that the family had close royal social connections makes it likely in my opinion - Lady Mary's mother the 2nd Marchioness of Ormonde was lady-in-waiting to Queen Adelaide from 1844 to 1849, and Queen Adelaide was the godmother to Lady Mary's brother James (who became the 3rd Marquess of Ormonde), and Lady Mary Butler herself was one of the bridesmaids at Princess Louise's wedding in 1870.

I note that the rose 'Lady Mary Fitzwilliam', although released in 1882, was already exhibited in 1880 under that name which is only 3 years after Lady Mary Butler's marriage. I'm not sure if there is any personal connection to Bennett but the timing at least is fitting.
There may still be some other Lady Mary Fitzwilliam possibility out there but this is the most likely candidate, in my opinion.
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Initial post yesterday by ranakpur
I have been growing this rose for 8 years now. I'm surprised that it says here that Salet only has an "Occasional repeat later in the season". In my garden in Belgium, it flowers a minimum of three times (planted facing south). I've read other comments that say the same thing. Salet is a repeat rose, not an ocasional repeat rose. You should change that.
Reply #1 of 2 posted yesterday by jedmar
In my garden in Zone 7b, Salet has its main flush in May/June and occasional blooms in August resp. October. The photos posted on HMF show a similar bloom repeat.
Reply #2 of 2 posted yesterday by ranakpur
I have just published my photos of Salet in 2024, zone 8a, 4 blooms : 2 beautiful flushes and 2 other occasional blooms.
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Initial post 7 MAY 21 by Heartwing
My Blue Girl roses are blooming with mutant, wilted blooms. All of my others roses are doing well. It’s a 5-year old bush and has problems every year. But this year, I took extra care to prune and fertilize appropriately with Bayer. Can anyone tell what I’m doing wrong or offer tips?
Reply #1 of 2 posted yesterday by Matthew 0rwat
Probably Thrips
Reply #2 of 2 posted yesterday by Nastarana
Is it normal for thrips to attack one rose only, over a period of several years? Would not one expect an undiagnosed infection to spread?

I would try digging up the rose, soaking the roots in a water or wet mud bath with a tsp. of bleach added, and then replanting in a well amended new location.

Or, 'Blue Girl' is still in commerce. You could simply replace yours, again in some different location.
most recent 2 days ago SHOW ALL
Initial post 5 days ago by Huyustus
Hello here's a synonym: GOLDEN PERFUMELLA
source :
Reply #1 of 4 posted 5 days ago by jedmar
Synonym added, thank you! Is this because the trademark for the original name 'Nicolas Hulot' has meanwhile expired?
Reply #2 of 4 posted 5 days ago by Huyustus
Hello, i think MEILLAND wanted to get away from the bad press surrounding the name... (see the media facts of 2018...). Bests regards, Huyustus
Reply #3 of 4 posted 2 days ago by Michael Garhart
I prefer fewer personality names, personally. I don't want to think about societal stuff in my garden. Golden Perfumella is a nicer name imo, but I'm also not French so mileage may vary.
Reply #4 of 4 posted 2 days ago by Margaret Furness
If they changed it to M. Hulot I wouldn't mind!
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