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I don't know what type of rose bush I have, but it's very beautiful pink in the spring/summer, it's January in Georgia and it actually still is getting blooms. My question is the previous owner of my house planted it in a very odd spot, so I want to move it. I read that doing this when it's dormant is the best time, but as far as I can tell this thing blooms all year. I am a beginner gardener, so I really have no idea what to do for this thing and do not want to kill it it's too pretty and I enjoy it too much. I also was wondering am I only supposed to prune it once a year, or am I supposed to be pruning it everytime the blooms die off, cutting out the dead blooms. I was pruning every other week last summer and it didn't look as full as in the spring when I moved in. Thanks for your time!
#1 of 1 posted
21 JAN 06 by
Wendy C
It could be where you are the roses don't go dormant. This is as close as it's going to get though.
Before you approach the rose you want to move, make it's new home. If you don't have good garden soil, amend with peat moss and compost. Dig the hole 24" across and about the same deep.
Prune the rose to be moved to about 3ft. Clear out any dead canes. Carefully dig around the drip line of the bush. If it was dripping wet where would the water fall? You want to move as much of the existing root ball as possible. Have a wheel burrow handy if you need the help to move it without losing all of the dirt. Place the rose in it's new home back fill the hole with soil pressing firmly with your hands. Water thoroughly. Mound the bush about 1/3 to keep it from drying out. Keep it watered. Don't feed it until after it blooms for the first time. It should be just fine.
Dead heading is different than pruning. Dead heading you are removing spent blooms to encourage more blooms. Cut to a sturdy part of the cane to sprout (budding eye) facing in the direction you want growth.
Pruning is removing old and damaged canes. I suspect in your area rose growers are forcing dormancy by pruning them back to about 3ft. Peek around at what your rose growing neighbors are doing. Most people who grow roses love to talk about them.
Good luck
I transplanted my Mr. Lincoln rose bush this past winter and now that it's blooming, it doesn't look like Mr. Lincoln any longer. It is lighter in color -- more of a pink red, not as fragrant, and it has the appearance of an english rose. What happened?
#1 of 1 posted
6 JUN 05 by
Wendy C
The plant needs to establish a bit. I've got 3 Mr. Lincoln's and they bloom paler when they need to be fed, or if there's been a lot of rain. Give your newly moved bush a chance to get used to it's new home and the form should return.
What is the best time to transplant a rugosa rose?
All roses do best when moved when they are dormant such as early spring or late fall. If you move them when they are growing and taking up nutrients and water, then the leaves will wilt and sometimes the canes bend so that you have to cut the plant right back to save it.
How do I transplant an exsisting rose bush without damaging it?
The best time to move a rose is when it is dormant. If you move it when it is growing the shock could kill it or at the least set it back a year.