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What type of soil do Gallica like? I'm wondering if all the old classes of roses from Europe and the Mediterranean areas need similar conditons.
I'm assuming they come from areas where the soils are more neutral or alkaline, and are perfectly garden like.
My area of Missouri (Z5b) is acid clay with lots of rocks, and receives all weather extremes. Winters don't have reliable snow cover, and are usually windy, with -20F for a few days in most years. Summers start with humidity, and become hot very quickly, 110F and end in drought. Our total rainfall per year averages 20-25".
Initial post
23 FEB 09 by
We have 14 Europeana (bush rose) planted at the front and back of our house in a coastal suburb of Perth/Australia. We live 800m from the beach and can get quite strong afternoon breezes. Temperatures can get up to 40 degrees celcius.
Europeana is a stunning rose, never stops flowering, no pests and very robust. We have poor soil which we improved with sheep manure, blood and bone, soil improver, mulch and fertilize once a month. The rootstock is fortuneana (specific for western Australia).
Initial post
12 MAR 03 by
Unregistered Guest
What roses are good choices for poor soil conditions?
some rugosas (some grow in sand in Japan, on the beaches) - but I find that Albas and then Gallicas have the best chance, also hybrid musks. No problem. But try and give the soil a boost now and then.
Here in florida magority of all roses do best grafted to fortuniana rootstock. I my self have planted a dozen varieties this year alone and the differance between roses grafted to other rootstocks is amazing! It is an evergreen tropical china rose. The blooms are white and fragrant. It loves sandy soil and is completly resistant to rootknot nematodes and soil born disease. It sends roots out 10 ft or more from the base and down only 10 inches. In colder climates it would have to be planted in early spring and insulated heavily with mulch. You can buy fortuniana rose at several antique rose dealers and modern roses grafted to fortuniana at www.muncyrose.com. I have boiught several from Mr. Muncy and all are doing great. John, Holly Hill, Fl
#4 of 6 posted
21 SEP 03 by
Theresa Bugnet is a good one for poor soil. I saw one growing in an empty lot here in Colorado,zone5. Even Walmart carries this one,available bareroot in early Spring.
#5 of 6 posted
21 SEP 03 by
Theresa Bugnet is a good one for poor soil. I saw one growing in an empty lot here in Colorado,zone5. It's even available as a bareroot rose,in the Spring at Walmart.
#6 of 6 posted
19 OCT 05 by
Unregistered Guest
Pink climber Rosarium Uetersen. I grow it first year only, z 6a, almost in pure clay and gravel (city lot), just planted in moderate hole with normal soil. In 5 months from bareroot it is 6 ft tall, very healthy. Second was in the shade - survived, healthy, but very restricted growth.