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Discussion id : 64-906
most recent 10 JUN 12 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 8 JUN 12 by SteffenAlbrecht
Can some rust on an otherwise healthy rose just be ignored? The books and websites I read all recommend drastic measures (removing all affected leaves, spraying with fungicides etc.), suggesting that rust is a deadly disease that has to be fought by all means possible the moment it occurs--but then on the other hand reading three years' worth of entries for the search word "rust" in this forum shows that a lot of people seem to have roses that get rust once in a while. Apparantely rust CAN kill a rose if it's badly affected, but can a rose live with a certain amount of rust and even continue to produce healthy leaves? The way a rose can--as even I with my limited experience know by now--live basically forever with SOME blackspot.
Reason I ask is I got a lovely Queen Elizabeth with some small rust spots on some new leaves this spring (but none the year before I seem to recall) and am completely averse to spraying with chemicals. Can I just wait and see?
Thank you for any comments!
Reply #1 of 8 posted 9 JUN 12 by Jay-Jay
A little of rust doesn't kill the plant, but You might spray with tea made of (oder jauche von) Equisetum, to get more resistance against all kinds of fungi.
And another solution might be to use simple spraying-sulphur. Only watch out for the Ladybirds(Marienkäfer)
or use an alkali-silicate solution (eine Wasserglaslösung)
Reply #2 of 8 posted 9 JUN 12 by SteffenAlbrecht
Thank you! I am already doing that (spraying with field horsetail - equisetum).
Reply #3 of 8 posted 9 JUN 12 by Jay-Jay
Zur stärkung und Blattdüngung der Blätter benutze ich Jauche gemacht von Schachtelhalm mit Brennessel. 14 tage ziehen und eventuell Lavamehl/Eiffelgold dazu (weniger Gestank) und verdünnen eins zu fünf mit Wasser. Dann über die ganze Blattmasse giessen oder spritzen.
Reply #4 of 8 posted 9 JUN 12 by SteffenAlbrecht
Mache ich auch - I'm doing the same. Good thing is we got a lot of stinging nettles in the garden; bad thing is horsetail is scarce. Your German is incredible btw.
Reply #5 of 8 posted 9 JUN 12 by Jay-Jay
Look for places where disturbed or impenetrable layers are in the ground, like normal, or boulder-clay.
Often Equisetum grows at waysides or on the edge of ditches/canals.
Reply #6 of 8 posted 10 JUN 12 by Jay-Jay
Es gibt getrockneter Schachtelhalm in Reform-Läden.
Reply #7 of 8 posted 10 JUN 12 by SteffenAlbrecht
But surely the real stuff is more potent--and cheaper!
Reply #8 of 8 posted 10 JUN 12 by Jay-Jay
If You can get it!!!
Discussion id : 10-802
most recent 10 JAN 06 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 8 JAN 06 by Anonymous-797
Rust and pruning concern: In coastal So.Calif. - will be pruning in force dormancy, but a few plants have developed rust. I haven't treated because I will be removing all leaves soon, but will my cuts spread the disease? I can disinfect loppers between plants, but worry that the open cuts on infected plants will let spores in. Should I treat first and wait for results before pruning? Prune now and spray the remaining stems? These are 2nd year plants, with no major problems before (mildew/aphids yes, but almost no rust).
Reply #1 of 1 posted 10 JAN 06 by Wendy C
Cleaning your lopers or pruners between plants is always a good idea, even when no disease is obvious. You can seal the canes with white glue if you are concerned about insects or illness.

Rust is air borne. It is also splashed unto the plants by rain or watering.

Clean up all fallen leaves when you force dormancy. Personally I wouldn't spray until the plants start to leaf out. Rust effects foliage, not canes. Start early and keep an eye out for signs of rust. This one can be hard to get rid of.

Good Luck
Discussion id : 1-977
most recent 2 JUN 03 SHOW ALL
Initial post 29 MAY 03 by Anonymous-1434
My roses have been seriously blighted with the rust fungus.See attachments.I have treated them regularly before there was any sign of rust. I wondered if it is possible to get rid of the fungus or will I have to destroy all of my roses; of which some have a sentimental value. Is it desirable to replant them with new soil in containers? Also, will I have to leave the site rose free for a period of time?
Reply #1 of 1 posted 2 JUN 03 by Unregistered Guest
Rust spores like cool, moist weather and poor drainage. There are two kinds of rust, ordinary and systemic rust. The latter lives from year to year on the plant and is the most difficult to get rid of. This one has to be treated before the rose leafs out. Roses vary in their ability to shake off this disease. Some tolerate a lot of rust before they drop their leaves while other drop a leaf with a few spots on it.
Using a dormant lime sulphur spray twice a month in the early spring and then using a fungicide weekly until there is no evidence of disease, is one of the best ways to cure rust. For now just keep spraying as the problem will go away when the warm weather comes.
Discussion id : 1-755
most recent 15 MAY 03 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 15 MAY 03 by Dottie
I have roses in my backyard on the West side of the property. They have developed rust on their leaves. I live in California; any suggestions?
Reply #1 of 1 posted 15 MAY 03 by The Old Rosarian
As you can see from the description of rust above, it can spread quickly. Because rust likes warm, moist conditons, it is a common problem on the west coat. Also as some cultivars are very susceptable to this disease, it is a good idea to check the next year in case it has rust again. After taking off the infected leaves and cleaning up around the rose bush, spray with any rose fungicide. Also spray on the ground around the rose and make sure the fungicide gets up under the leaves as that is where the rust will start.
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