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Initial post
4 SEP 03 by
Unregistered Guest
I have a problem with white fly. I lice in southern California. They lay their eggs on the leaves. the leaves get holes in them and the roses are deformed. What can I do to protect my plants.
#1 of 3 posted
12 SEP 03 by
Wendy C.
I had them when we lived near San Francisco, and here in Spokane this year. The only effective control for white fly I've ever found is Neem or Horticultural oil sprayed on all leafy plants in the effected yard. White flies are not species specific so will just move on to whatever isn't sprayed.
Using a fine spray, start at the bottom of plant spraying the underside of the leaves, and work your way up. At the top give the plant one shot to the top, and that should give you complete coverage.
Good luck
#2 of 3 posted
23 MAR 06 by
This is a very late reply but I had excellent results with Eco-Erase. I had a huge 2-year infestation and Eco_erase was the only thing that got rid of the white fly. It is also excellent to control powdery mildew.
You are describing two different problems here. The white fly are sucking insects. They suck out the plant sap, weakening it through the loss of its "blood". The holes in the leaves are most likely due to Saw Fly Larvae, or Rose Slugs. These are the larval stage of the Saw Fly. Check out these addresses for photos of your sawflies and suggested treatments.
http://www.ext.vt.edu/departments/entomology/factsheets/euroslug.html http://hortipm.tamu.edu/pestprofiles/chewing/sawflie/sawflie.html http://pep.wsu.edu/hortsense/scripts/query/displayProblem.asp?problemID=565&tableName=plant http://www.entomology.wisc.edu/diaglab/03hilite/6_16.html
The white fly can be controlled with many different insecticides, from Insecticidal soap, to Neem or Horticultural Oil, all the way to more toxic insecticides. It's your choice how homeopathic you choose to be, just be sure to read the labels carefully. Saw Fly can be controlled with virtually the same pesticides. Remember, though, should you choose the oils, you must spray the insects directly to smother them. Oils don't poison, they suffocate the insects. Just spraying the upper leaf surfaces won't work. You MUST thoroughly cover the undersides to hit the bugs, no matter which method of control you choose. Either a quality hose end sprayer or a good pump sprayer is required. A Ready To Use trigger sprayer is not worth your time nor money as they are not suitable for getting to the undersides of the leaves. You can't spray "up" with a trigger sprayer.
Systemics, such as Bayer Granules and the Bayer All In One can work on the white fly, but not the saw fly. These products are aimed at sucking insects. Your saw fly larvae are chewing insects. They are the scourge of all coastal areas here in Southern California. If you choose to do one of the oil products, be aware they can burn the leaves with heat, intense sun and water stress. You need to determine if your climate will allow their use this time of the year. Good luck!