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My rosebush has little holes in the leaves from sort of bug need to know how to get rid of these. Also my friend had a plant food for rosebushes that include whisky and they were beautiful that year . Does anyone know the recipe for that?
The Q&A search has recently been improved; I suggest you start there.
This sounds like one of those home remedy solutions from Jerry Baker. I remember vaguely someting with alcohol in it. But I do not remember the recipe. You might try looking for one of his books and see if you can find it there.
Initial post
12 JUN 05 by
Unregistered Guest
Dose anybody know what wuld cause buds and sometimes open blooms to just fall off the rosebush? I have several that are breaking off a few inches or less below the bud or bloom and I've never seen this before.
I do not know what exactly is causing this, I had this problem too on my Love rose. I think that I saw it an a book - an insect that cuts buds off - but I saw it a while ago. Nevertheless, I sprayed my rose with insecticide and this bloom-fall-off stopped. I'm sure you'll get more experts to answer your question but I would recommend to spray your rose just for starters. And, it won't hurt, anyway.
#2 of 2 posted
19 JUN 05 by
Sometimes it can be too much water as well as not enough. So you can try to adjust water.
hello, I just planted my first ever climbing rose bush. I think I have done everything I need to do for it to grow beautiful, and it was until the other day we had a horrible wind storm that made alot of my pretty red blooms die. I dont know what to do for it next, should I cut those that are dead now? Thanks
Yes. Go ahead and deadhead the dead blooms. This will encourage the plant to put out more blooms.
Lyn helpmefind.com
#2 of 5 posted
24 MAY 05 by
#3 of 5 posted
23 JUN 05 by
Unregistered Guest
how do you deadhead roses??
#4 of 5 posted
24 JUN 05 by
hello, I think the way you do it is right below the dead rose, on the stem is to cut diaginal after the sun is setting. Leaving 2 leaves below the cut.
This another time when you can look to the rose to be your teacher. First we are assuming this is a repeat blooming rose. Often when a bloom is spent, if you look further down the cane, you will see a new shoot developing with new leaves. That point is where the rose is telling you that THIS is where it wants to send out a new branch. Cut about 1/4 inch above the new branch, if it is facing outward.
The rule of thumb for deadheading is that you cut down to the first strong five-leaf set with the bud eye facing outward. The location of the bud eye tells you which direction the new branch will grow. You don't want the new growth to go towards the center of the plant because it will not get enough light and be as viable. This is why you try to select a bud eye that faces outward on the cane.
If you don't see a new leaf-set growing when you are deadheading, you go far enough down on the cane so that at the point of new growth, the existing cane can carry the additonal weight of new branches and blooms. Again, you cut about 1/4th inch above the bud eye.
If you look at a rose, you will notice that near the bloom there are only three leaves on the leaf-sets near the bloom. There are no bud eyes located here, so if you cut at this point, you won't get new blooms. The exception is when the spent bloom is in the midst of a group of developing buds that have not fully opened. The just cut out the bloom so that you can leave more room for the new blooms to open.
The reason you deadhead is that a rose has one purpose in its life. That is to attract pollenators so that it can get "pregnant" and form seeds and hips to continue the species. When you cut the blooms off, the rose thinks (forgive the personalization) it has not completed its mission, and puts out new blooms to complete the cycle. Deadheading helps you have more blooms in your garden over the season. Note: this is true only for repeat-blooming roses.
Lyn helpmefind.com
Initial post
23 FEB 04 by
I have a beautiful long stem red rose bush that I bought with my house six years ago. It blooms very few roses every year. Last year it had two roses the whole year. I prune it every year and it is filled with health looking green leaves, but no rose. What am I doing wrong? Please help, from Oakland, CA
#1 of 1 posted
2 MAR 04 by
Unregistered Guest
It could possibly be that you bought a bush that blooms only once a year. If you are pruning this rose before its bloom, this would explain the lack of roses. A bush that blooms only once annually should not be pruned until after it blooms, when the blooms are spent. This will ensure both a better quantity and quality bloom.
There are many beautiful roses that only bloom once a year. If you long for more constant color, there are also many varieties of multiple bloomers or everblooming varieties to feed that need.
Good luck!