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Cornelia rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Markay-MD7
Own foot rose. It is five summers in. Trying to train it as a climber with minimal success, but a lovely rose nonetheless. Not clean, but mostly healthy in my no spray garden.
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Star of the Republic rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Ariel Russ
Fresh from Antique Rose Emporium. Young blooms are very champagne-peach and ruffly.
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Cathedral Bells rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Markay-MD7
Own root rose. Strong fragrance. It does get blackspot in my no spray garden, but retains vigor putting out new foliage to replace what is lost. It has good repeat. Approximately 5 ft tall in second year.
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Star of the Republic rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Ariel Russ
This Black Baccara just recovered from thrips and iron deficiency. It is super fast to grow back. Fresh from Antique Rose Emporium. Young blooms are very champagne-peach and ruffly.
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Tanglebank Legacy rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Markay-MD7
Grafted on multiflora. First year in my garden and becoming more intensely orange this fall.
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Black Baccara ™ rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Ariel Russ
This Black Baccara just recovered from thrips and iron deficiency. It is super fast to grow back.
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Souvenir de Madame Léonie Viennot rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of okdb
First spring flower! September 2024 in Northland NZ (10b). 2yo plant, planted at base of large mahoe tree (Melicytus ramiflorus) which it is now romping through. So beautiful with the sun through the petals!
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Black Baccara ™ rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Ariel Russ
Black Baccara bloom in June during daily temps in the 100s, small but glorious.
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