'Captain Hayward' rose References
Book (2002) Page(s) 30. Hybrid Perpetual. Not rated
Book (Nov 1994) Page(s) 141. Captain Hayward Hybrid Perpetual. Description... Raised at Shepperton, U.K., in 1894 by Henry Bennett... A brilliant variety in its day... vivid crimson-scarlet fading to lilac-pink...
Book (Sep 1993) Page(s) 106. Includes photo(s). Captain Hayward Henry Bennett introduced the bush form in 1893. Parentage: Seedling from 'Triomphe de l'Exposition'. Description... great cabbage-like flowers, cerise-pink and fragrant...
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 74. Hybrid Perpetual (OGR), deep pink, 1893, 'Triomphe de l'Exposition' seedling; Bennett. Flowers light crimson, edged lighter, double (25 petals), high-centered, large; fragrant; fruit large, orange; vigorous growth, sprasely recurrent.
Book (1993) Page(s) 96. Includes photo(s). Hybrid Perpetual. Often sets hips. Bennett (Britain), introduced posthumously in 1893 by his son Edmund. A 'Triomphe de l'Exposition' seedling. Few late flowers. Height: 8 ft. Very good scent.
Book (Jun 1992) Page(s) 126, 326. Page 126: Captain Hayward Hybrid Perpetual. Bennett, 1893. Seedling of 'Triomphe de l'Exposition'. [The author cites information from different sources.] Brilliant carmine-crimson... scarlet-crimson... likes partially shaded places... few blooms in autumn... Poor in hot weather... Page 326: Captain Hayward Hybrid Perpetual. Henry Bennett 1893
Book (1986) Page(s) 103. Includes photo(s). Captain Hayward Hybrid Perpetual (1893) ... light red flowers which lighten towards the edges... fragrant... largish orange fruit...
Website/Catalog (1986) Page(s) 13. Captain Hayward..... Cg.
Book (1985) Page(s) 32. [Henry Bennett's] las rose [Captain Hayward] had not flowered at the time of his death. His youngest son, Edmund, introduced it in 1893... a crimson Hybrid Perpetual, which was considered a magnificent red and was grown for many years...
Book (1984) Page(s) 171. ‘Captain Hayward’ = Hybride Remontant. Bennett en 1893. Les grandes fleurs doubles, 25 pétales, peu serrées, avec le centre exhaussé… rouge carminé qui pâlit peu à peu. Elles sont très peu remontantes mais après la floraison de l’été apparaissent de gros fruits orangés, très décoratifs.