'Dream Come True ™' rose References
Article (magazine) (2023) Dream Come TrueTM 'Wekdocpot', Source/Accession RRG [Raleigh Rose Garden]...Estimated ploidy level(x) 4
Magazine (2008) Page(s) 32. Vol 102. part 1. Jeff Wyckoff. International News. There were two All-Americxa Rose Selections (AARS) winners for 2008. One, a multi-coloured hybrid tea classed as a yellow blend, was bred by Dr. John Pottschmidt of Cincinnati, Ohio and named, approriately Dream Come True (WEKdocpot). Its parentage is given as ('Touch of Class' x unknown) x unknown, and it was introduced by Weeks Roses.
Magazine (Nov 2006) Page(s) 50. Registration 'Wekdocpot', Gr, yb, 2006 (Dream Come True™), [(Touch of Class x unknown) x unknown], Pottschmidt, Dr. John ... description