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'Mel Hulse' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 40-937
most recent 30 AUG 15 SHOW ALL
Initial post 4 DEC 09 by Jim Delahanty
Here in southern california (Sherman Oaks) my Mel Hulse sulked in the ground, but returned to health and bloom in a large container.
Reply #1 of 3 posted 6 FEB 11 by Lucretia
Mine is also sulking quite a bit--to the point where if it doesn't start doing a little better, it's got a date with the shovel. At this rate if I leave it alone it will gradually fade away.

Its parent, Scarlet Moss, did the same thing, unfortunately.
Reply #2 of 3 posted 6 FEB 11 by Jim Delahanty
I have had much better luck with Scarlet Moss and its progeny--Mel Hulse and Unconditional Love (a great rose by Paul Barden) in pots and containers than in the ground. In the ground they simply die away; in pots they thrive and bloom with almost no care whatsoever. If no care and concern is the price of great bloom, I am willing to pay it.
Reply #3 of 3 posted 30 AUG 15 by styrax
Here, it is the reverse.
Discussion id : 14-776
most recent 27 OCT 08 SHOW ALL
Initial post 30 OCT 06 by chilloutroses
This was the first of my Alaskan overwintered roses to bloom in 2006.
Reply #1 of 2 posted 25 OCT 08 by Chris
can i grow this rose in zone 5 ? northeastern ct.
Reply #2 of 2 posted 27 OCT 08 by chilloutroses
I think that it would work. Just make sure you mulch heavily the first two years AFTER the first freeze when the ground is frozen.
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