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'MACanat' rose References
Book  (1991)  Page(s) 75.  
Barry Eagle. Rose Names. And this year we have a new problem. Back in 1981 Sam McGredy introduced a little pink miniature called 'Hi-de-hi'. In 1990 another Sam McGredy rose, this time a ground cover, was introduced and called - you guessed it - Hi-de-hi' ! Fortunately, few - if any - of the earlier roses will still be around. It never really caught on.
Book  (1985)  Page(s) 77.  Includes photo(s).
'Hi-De-Hi' McGredy, 1981. 'Anytime' x 'Otto Linne'. Mauve pink flowers with narrow petals form very unusually shaped flowers.
Book  (1982)  Page(s) 134.  
Frank Mason & Son Ltd. advertisement. For spring, 1982. Sam McGredy's delightful new miniature. 'Hi-de-hi'. Something different, a miniature which produces its small warm lavender-pink star shaped flowers in great quantity, in tightly packed sprays over abundant fernlike foliage, on a low plant of bushy habit.
Book  (1982)  Page(s) 47.  
Nola Simpson. The Trial Grounds 1981-82.
Of the other miniatures....and MACanatol from McGredy a mauve-pink are worth noting as not far behind the winners.
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