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'Applause' rose References
Book  (Apr 1993)  Page(s) 24.  
Applause Hybrid Tea, light red, 1949, 'Contrast' x 'Charlotte Armstrong'; Swim. Description.
Website/Catalog  (1960)  Page(s) 11.  
APPLAUSE (Swim 1951). Grosse fleur rouge clair nuancé orangé. LO  [légèrement odorantes]. + [conseillées pour fleurs coupées de plein air.]

[no longer listed in 1975]
Website/Catalog  (1959)  Includes photo(s).
APPLAUSE Rosier Nain : la pièce 260 fr. - les dix 2.500 fr
Book  (1958)  Page(s) 14.  
Applause. HT. (Swim; int. Armstrong Nurs., '49.) Contrast X Charlotte Armstrong. Bud long pointed; fl. large (4-4½ in.), dbl. (50 petals), high centered, slightly fragrant (spicy), light red. Fol. leathery, dark. Vig., upright, bushy. (28) Bagatelle Gold Medal, '47.
Website/Catalog  (1955)  Page(s) 5.  
APPLAUSE (Swim 1951). ..... Belle fleur rouge orangé.
Médaille d'Or Bagatelle 1951. 
Book  (1953)  Page(s) 145.  
Mrs. F. J. Guinan, Wellington N.Z.
The buds of Applause, in wet weather, have a tendency to ball or seal. 
Article (magazine)  (Dec 1952)  Page(s) 21.  
According to Herbert C. Swim, the closest he came to his breeding objective is the rose Forty-niner -- a cross between 'Charlotte Armstrong' and 'Contrast'. Out of this cross also came 'Applause' (which won Swim his first Gold Medal at Bagatelle) and 'Multnomah' (which Swim considered a "spectacular rose in the Northwest"...
Book  (1952)  Page(s) 138.  
Joy V. Guinan, Wellington Rose Society, N.Z.  
Four bush Applause implanted directly in front of the wind funnel have literally "run away." There is no shelter whatsoever and, so far, we have devised no means whereby a breakwind may be satisfactorily put up in this difficult position. The wonder is, there have been no breakages to date, which goes to prove the stamina of the plants. 
Applause (H.T.) is a very beautiful shade of deep carmine-rose. Our first 30-petaled flower, of exquisite fragrance, was borne on a long, exceptionally strong stem, practically thornless. The high-centred long pointed bud took a long time to open, and the veined ruffled, or wavy, petals, of firm texture, reflexed naturally. Some of the outer petals show a white streak on their inner side.  We think Applause should do well as an exhibition type, though the ruffled petals may go against its form. Since our first flower was cut, several more blooms, some of 43 petals, have impressed us further with their loveliness and, with a few sunny days, the shade has been of a light red, deep pink colour. We have the impression that the bloom may fade in very hot climates, notwithstanding which we feel that its hue would still appeal. The large, glossy, tough foliage is heavily veined; the vigorous growth is compact and, so far, the plants show no disease.
Magazine  (Dec 1951)  Page(s) 4. trimester, p. 101.  
The National Rose Society nous fait connaître, par la liste suivante, les Roses nouvelles ayant reçu au cours de l'année 1951 le Trial Ground Certificate, et certaines d'entre elles ont reçu en plus une Médaille d'or et un Certificat de mérite....
APPLAUSE (H. T.) Armstrong Nurseries, Californie (U.S.A.).
Article (misc)  (1950)  Page(s) 190.  
Applause Hybrid Tea. Rose. (Swim; introduced by Armstrong Nurseries 1949) US Plant Patent No. 829
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