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'TANschaubud' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 95-972
most recent 19 NOV 16 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 19 NOV 16 by fyrnrain
Available from - Angel Gardens
Discussion id : 62-994
most recent 28 FEB 13 SHOW ALL
Initial post 27 MAR 12 by SteveinAus
Stupendous fragrance on this variety. Reportedly grows tall (6-8 feet) here in Australia.
Reply #1 of 2 posted 21 JAN 13 by timdufelmeier
Am planning on putting a matured own root cutting of this in the garden this winter.
Are you happy with it? Does it have 17-25 or 40 petals (both were entered in the HMF description)?
You seem to be the only one in the comments that knows this rose the rest were discussing a mislabled one. I live in Los Angeles so hopefully will be able to get a "6-8 foot" bush here as well.
Reply #2 of 2 posted 28 FEB 13 by Pekes4me

I'm in the high desert here and this rose does very well. It reached about 6' here last summer. The blooms have at least 40 petals, nice color and (of course) great fragrance. Hortico got this one right. Now let's see if Mamy Blue and Charles de Gaulle are labeled correctly this year.

PS: Mamy Blue was labeled incorrectly. A replacement is supposed to be sent in the fall.
Discussion id : 68-980
most recent 23 DEC 12 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 23 DEC 12 by Gal Sal
Available from - Heirloom Roses
Discussion id : 68-420
most recent 25 NOV 12 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 25 NOV 12 by stefand
Available own root from Heirloom along with eurodessert collection. Forget Hortico.
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