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'Henry Ford' rose References
Book  (Apr 1993)  Page(s) 242.  
Hybrid Tea, medium yellow, 1927, 'Mme. Edouard Herriot' x 'Golden Emblem'; Deverman; B&A. Flowers yellow edged salmon-orange, opening to lemon-yellow, semi-double; slightly fragrant.
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 272.  
Ford, Henry (HT) Deverman 1927; M.E. Herriot X Golden Emblem; lemon-yellow, edges light salmon-orange, medium size, semi-double, globular, lasting, in 2-4s, fragrance 3/10, floriferous, medium size globular yellow buds, growth 6/10, bushy, dense, 1 m. Sangerhausen
Website/Catalog  (1930)  Page(s) 38.  
Henry Ford (HT. Deverman 1927) has so far not come up  to expectations in this climate.  It may be supplied if desired for trial, but does not carry any recommendation.
Website/Catalog  (1929)  Page(s) 7.  Includes photo(s).
Recent Introductions and Rare Varieties
Henry Ford. Hybrid Tea. (Harry Deverman; introduced by Bobbink & Atkins, 1927.) Medium-sized buds and flowers of very lasting yellow, edged in the early stages with salmon-orange, becoming lemon-yellow as they open. They are slightly fragrant and borne in sprays and clusters of great decorative value. The plant is bushy and rather tall, blooming constantly in great abundance.
Reported to us as a seedling of Mme. Edouard Herriot X Golden Emblem, but it looks much more like a sport of Independence Day. It has a wonderful decorative value for the garden, and makes beautiful informal bouquets. We hear both good and bad reports of this Rose. Some like it—others say it is not vigorous enough. Our experience has been rather disappointing. Illustrated in color facing page 13.
Book  (1926)  Page(s) 184.  
Henry Ford Hybrid Tea (Harry Deverman, 1927). 'Mme. Edouard Herriot' x 'Golden Emblem'... very lasting yellow, slightly edged salmon-orange, changing to lemon-yellow when open.
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