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Breeder photo courtesy of jedmar
Reply by P. Soupert Notting: "Luxembg. 22/9 1809. Wir danken bestens für den uns erteilten Auftrag, dem wir unsere ganzer Sorgfalt widmen werden. Die besten Pflanzen werden wir ....und zur festgesetzten Zeit im Frühjahr absenden. Mit aller Hochachtung P. Soupert & notting" [Our best thanks for the order given to us, to which we will devote our full care. We will send the best plants...at the agreed time in spring. With highest respects P. Soupert & notting]
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Uploaded 26 NOV 16 |
Breeder photo courtesy of jedmar
Copy of order in 1909-1910 Catalogue:
"Mr. Soupert & Notting Luxemburg, Her Imperial & Royal Majesty Archduchess Marie Therese ask Mr Soupert & Notting for compliant delivery of the Roses in the attached list, as replacement of the plants frozen this winter. The winter was extremely strict, so that they have been damaged despite all preventive care. The Roses are to be sent to the Archducal Garden, Admont, Steiermark. [Archduchess Marie Therese of Braganza (August 24, 1855 Kleinheubach - February 12, 1944 Vienna), daughter of Manuel I of Portugal, married in 1873 the 20-years older Archduke Karl Ludwig of Austria, younger brother of Emperor Franz Joseph I.
Uploaded 26 NOV 16 |
Breeder photo courtesy of jedmar
Postcard of September 22, 1908, sent by Soupert & Notting to Mr. G. Lorenz, Archducal Secretary in Hall near Admont, Steiermark [Austria]
Uploaded 26 NOV 16 |
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