HelpMeFind Roses, Clematis and Peonies
Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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Lucretia's Folly
Discussion id : 107-230
most recent 30 DEC 17 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 30 DEC 17 by BohoMama
Should add, in exchange for cuttings, my teenage boys and I could do some work in your garden.

Nancy Riendeau in Enumclaw
Discussion id : 97-823
most recent 4 MAR 17 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 4 MAR 17 by BohoMama
I live nearby in Enumclaw and would love to visit your garden if you are welcome to that!

Nancy Riendeau
Discussion id : 85-288
most recent 25 MAY 15 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 25 MAY 15 by dxk0021
Please help! We are desperately searching for one of these Ralph Moore miniature “Pink Poodle” roses, either to purchase a plant or cutting. This rose has extremely sentimental significance to my wife and a loved one lost and I’m trying to help her replace this little rose.

If you have any this rose in your garden and we can arrange to purchase a cutting, or if you know any possible leads on purchasing one of these, please, please let me know.

We’re in Houston — please let me know if you can help.

Thank you!

- Darren
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