HelpMeFind Roses, Clematis and Peonies
Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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Angel Gardens
Discussion id : 131-116
most recent 12 JAN 22 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 12 JAN 22 by clstorey
Hello, I think I posted a comment on your Facebook page. I am also a member on the HelpMeFind Rose group website. Did you find the Dr JH Nicholas Rose? I know you said you thought you may be growing one. If you dont have it, its ok, just let me know.

Thank you. If you have one growing and can give me a cutting maybe that would be ok. I can grow my own. I live in Florida not too far from you.

Thank you,
Chuck Storey
Reply #1 of 1 posted 12 JAN 22 by Angel Gardens
I lost the young one I had rooted. I can custom propagate one for you. Send me an email @ and I can send you my custom propagation speech. I am not too good on Facebook,
Look forward to hearing from you, pam
Discussion id : 99-061
most recent 7 MAY 17 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 7 MAY 17 by Steven Cook
I received Climbing Crimson Glory 5/4/17 from Angel Gardens and it was very leafy, vigorous and ready to take off. It was packed well so it arrived in great shape. It went into the ground that day and I'm greatly looking forward to it's growth and blooming. Well done, Pam.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 7 MAY 17 by Nastarana
I second the excellent packing at Angel Gardens. However, the two roses I ordered, 'Marietta' and 'Lucetta', two early Austins, were the least healthy of all rose deliveries this year, having yellowing leaves which are now falling off. I am hoping that mild fertilizing with soluble seaweed can revive my plants.
Discussion id : 98-165
most recent 28 MAR 17 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 25 MAR 17 by Angel Gardens
Hi, I have written about this problem but you have not really responded. It seems that every time I have a newsletter request or a plant availability request I go to my page, click on the appropriate buttons, and then every time I hit "CONTINUE" I get the blank page that says "Oops!........ yadda yadda. So I have not been able to see my newsletter requests or complete the site guest requests. Something is messing up big time on my site. Please check! Thank you, pam
Reply #1 of 3 posted 26 MAR 17 by HMF Admin
Hi Pam,

I'll check with the developers schedule; they're still sorting out issues with the new software but I'll ask them to address this sooner rather then later.
Reply #3 of 3 posted 28 MAR 17 by Angel Gardens
Thank you!!!!
Reply #2 of 3 posted 27 MAR 17 by HMF Admin
Hi Pam,

This issue has been resolved but we are still working with the people to convince them HelpMeFind is NOT an internet spammer and to NOT block our emails.

The problem likely stems from people signing up for HMF email notifications and instead of later canceling their notification requests, they complain to their ISP about unwanted emails.

HelpMeFind does NOT send out unwanted emails: That is completely against our principles. We will soon be instituting a change to turn off a member's email notifications if they have not visited HMF in several months.
Discussion id : 97-814
most recent 4 MAR 17 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 4 MAR 17 by Angel Gardens
The system is still not letting me answer the Site Guest requests. It says "oops, an error..........." I cannot answer any of my requests. Please advise. Thanks, Pam
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