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4 favorite votes.
Uploaded 29 APR 17 |
Spring flush of this plant is amazing. One of the top 3 Teas in the abbey garden.
5 favorite votes.
Uploaded 19 APR 17 |
1 favorite vote.
Uploaded 29 APR 17 |
Uploaded 26 MAR 16 |
Finally started blooming a lot this season. Planted in 2010. In Southern California, this is a big plant. We prune it hard each winter - it could easily be a much larger bush than the 6' x 8' it is here.
4 favorite votes.
Uploaded 29 APR 17 |
Uploaded 26 MAR 16 |
Finally started blooming a lot this season. Planted in 2010. In Southern California, this is a big plant. We prune it hard each winter - it could easily be a much larger bush than the 6' x 8' it is here.
1 favorite vote.
Uploaded 29 APR 17 |
2 favorite votes.
Uploaded 26 MAR 16 |