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12 AUG 15
Wow, it's been a long time.

Well, this is my second year as president of the North Bay Rose Society and I've been working to try to get our society more visible to a younger generation. We have a facebook page and a website and we make it down to the Vallejo Farmers Market every few Saturdays, but getting new members is tough.

I'll have to take a look at my garden rose list to see if it needs any updating.
13 FEB 06
Further research is aiming me toward R. nutkana as the identity of the species rose in my yard. I'm also not sure if it might all be from the rootstock on a hybrid tea in my neighbor's yard! Anyway, I'm almost finished pruning my roses, and I'm preparing to plant a few of my potted roses that have survived the past two years of neglect (I'm too ashamed to admit what I lost). Will have to shorten my list of plants grown.
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