HMF Admin 
Mermaid does not have red or burgundy stamens. This rose appears to be 'Golden Wings'; regardless of whatever label may state.
#1 of 3 posted
17 DEC 22 by
You mean stamens, I believe. I agree, this can't be Mermaid... And it is definitely not Meermaid with double ee from Geschwind too.
Yes sir, my apologies.
Posts like this demonstrate the advantage of a mutable resource like HMF.
Initial post
11 days ago by
I love photos that show the whole plant and this photo captures the beauty of this rose perfectly!
#1 of 1 posted
11 days ago by
HMF Admin
Agreed, we much prefer site guests include varied photos instead of multiple, very similar bloom photos. Whole plant photos like this are particularly helpful.
I planted my Norma Major rose five years ago starting out as a budded maiden from Steve Singer at Wisconsin Roses. It took a couple of years to establish, but now that it has, it is a wonderful garden rose for me. The bush is quite healthy and seems to handle very nasty winters with ease. IT is quick to attain a height of about 5'-6' tall in the Spring and starts blooming right away. Most flushes have 30+ blooms and they are very sturdy lasting two weeks or more while still maintaining a very nice exhibition form. They are lightly fragrant and make a wonderful cut flower. The description of Norma Major states this rose blooms in flushes, but quite frankly I think it is a continuous bloomer. Once it starts blooming in the Spring it will have at least 6 or 8 blooms on it all the time. And during flushes, it may have as many as 40 or 50 flowers on the mature bush. My bush has gotten so large now that it has to be moved out of the regular bed and planted all alone because it encroaches on its' neighbors, hiding them from view. All in all this rose makes quite a stunning pink display rose for the garden that is second to none. My one criticism of this rose is that the foliage could be more dense. It can look a bit skimpy of leaves when it is fully grown. The spacing of the stems is the problem. The stems need to be a bit closer together to give it a fuller look, but this is really nit-picking to be honest. Other than that one very slight drawback Norma Major makes a very nice garden display since the blooms are so beautiful and plentiful and the foliage does stay quite healthy. It never shows any signs of blackspot or mildew since I have had mine this past 5 years. I do spray my roses regularly. John
Your sharing of your experience and expertise is greatly appreciated.
Could 'Norma Major's scent be described as fruity?
Sadly, he is no longer with us, Heelin, so he can't answer.
Dear Help me Find I am Adriana Balzi from the ROSE RIFIORENTISSIME nursery in Ciliverghe di Mazzano, Brescia, Italy. I created some roses (two of these have already been included in the Sangerhausen Rosarium catalog for some time and there will be a third soon). I would be very pleased to upload them to your site, I wanted to know if it is possible and how should I do it? A thousand thanks ADRIANA BALZI RIZZONELLI
Please provide the names of these roses and we will add them to HelpMeFind and give you access rights to update the listing with the details - we just need the names.
#2 of 2 posted
26 FEB by
Buongiorno, Mi scuso infinitamente per non averti più risposto. Le rose sono: 1)ANGELO CUSTODE
5) GIOVANNA FRUTTERO Thank you very much and I will upload the photographs as soon as possible. A cordial greeting Adriana Balzi