Noisette Roses are most not hardy in the middle of Europe. Aimee Vibert and even Mme Alfred Carrire are the two Noisettes, which did only freeze back a little but do not die!
I was somewhat surprised to read in the March 1880 Journal des Roses (p.34), a report of which roses did or did not survive the very harsh winter of 1879-80. A correspondent from Chaillevois in northern France wrote that the three roses that resisted the freeze heroically were 'Persian Yellow', 'Aimée Vibert' and a rose whose name was unknown.
I suspect that 'Aimée Vibert' is hardier than HMF has her rated, and wonder if people growing her in colder climes can contribute their experiences of her cold-hardiness.
#2 of 6 posted
20 JUN by
In Botanica's roses: the encyclopedia of roses by Beales Peter 2005 it is said that Aimée Vibert's growth hardiness zones (for Europe) are 5-10. (HZ 5 = -28 to -21 C°)
That equates to USDA zone 6b, which makes me wonder if HMF was Beale's source for Aimée Vibert's hardiness.
I would still love to hear about anyone's actual experience with growing this rose in colder climes...
#4 of 6 posted
20 JUN by
As far as I know, USDA 6b has winter temperatures between -20.6 and -17. 8 C° which does not seem to correspond to the Hardiness zones reported by Beale (HZ 5 = -28 to -21 C°) In any case, I live in an area with USDA 5b (Maritime Alps) and I want to plant an Aimée Vibert this autumn. Within a few years and perhaps even sooner I will be able to share my experience
You're right- HZ5 is more like USDA zone 7a.
I hope Aimée turns out to be a great rose for you. Since autumn planting means the plant won't be well-established before winter comes, will you provide protection for that first winter?
#6 of 6 posted
20 JUN by
I will cover the rose, at least for the first few winters, to protect it from the snow and again in case of spring frosts, which are possible here until late May. However, snow in itself is a good cover against the winter cold. Of all the Noisettes only 4 or 5 (e.g. Alister Stella Gray, Meteor, Belle Lyonnaise, Boule de Neige) seem to be able to grow in USDA zone 5b (-26.1 to -23.4 C°) I hope to be able to add Aimée Vibert to these. However, I think, based on my experiences here, that only after a decade or more can anything definitive be said (not all winters are the same!)