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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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Deborah's rose Garden
most recent 22 MAR SHOW ALL
Initial post 13 MAY 23 by Deborah's rose Garden
Hi! I live at the coast in the PNW. How is Charlene in regards to rain/balling? I'd love to try to grow this beauty.

Well, no one responded to my question, but based on all of the positive comments in general, I have decided to make the purchase from Heirloom Roses in Oregon. Wish me luck!
Reply #1 of 1 posted 22 MAR by Suni Zone 5
I find her such a delight, and have not seen much problem with balling here in Zone 5b, Maine. She is pretty healthy, and with some spring pruning has done well. One was a small own root, one was grafted. We can have such cold wet weather here. And fog sometimes too. The saddest story with balling for me has been Earth Angel.
most recent 26 JUL 23 SHOW ALL
Initial post 14 JUL 23 by Deborah's rose Garden
Give him his own space on a fence or as a hedge, and let him be. So bright, fragrant and healthy. I have planted this rose in 3 gardens now. No fertilizer or pesticide. No pruning-which is a good thing as the thorns are sharp and numerous. The lovely scent carries 5-10 feet.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 26 JUL 23 by MADActuary
I have one Darlow's Enigma on own roots, and you hit the nail on the head with your comments - and more than once!
most recent 14 JUL 23 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 14 JUL 23 by Deborah's rose Garden
My Midnight Blue is just as advertised. So pretty, with golden stamens and sometimes a tiny spot of white. She takes the full brunt of the sun and strong coastal winds, consistently blooming and fragrant dark velvety blooms. Mine do not turn brown. The foliage isn't the pretties, and she does get blackspot, but overall is healthy. Mine has grown to 3 feet.
most recent 14 JUL 23 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 14 JUL 23 by Deborah's rose Garden
So far so wonderful in the pacific northwest- coastal zone 9b/10a. Glowing salmon blooms and a lovely fragrance. Mine is a young plant and just 2 1/2 feet high so far. Very nice. No major pest or disease issues. Not particularly thorny. Nice foliage too. The flowers are slow to open up here in the cool area, so they are enjoyed for a week or more.
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