Initial post
21 DEC 21 by
Ben H
Leaves are full of blackspot in this photo. How blackspot-prone is this rose?
Initial post
10 NOV 21 by
Ben H
Available from - Jackson and Perkins
Initial post
7 OCT 21 by
Ben H
Question: Is it really a mutation of R. rugosa alba? I just purchased R. rugosa alba-plena from Heirloom Roses. the stamens are dark in the photo . the stamens of extremely highly rated (9.1) R. rugosa alba are yellow. Does this mean rugosa alba-plena is not a mutation of rugosa alba? Both flowers in both photos have fully intact petals. Do the stamens turn dark before the petals fade?
#1 of 2 posted
8 OCT 21 by
These stamens are yellow too, like on most roses. When they turn darker, it is a sign that the pollen has already picked up. - A service of the plant for pollinators telling them to use their energy elsewhere. Stamen colour is not a characteristic sign for parentage.
#2 of 2 posted
8 OCT 21 by
Ben H
Initial post
5 OCT 21 by
Ben H
One of the first roses to get powdery mildew in late September here Western Oregon. I need to apply fungicide. Very nice foliage and habit. Flowers are nicely colored and fragrant.