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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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most recent 12 MAY 23 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 12 MAY 23 by Hopeisdopie
post more pictures please!! ❤❤
most recent 25 MAY 22 SHOW ALL
Initial post 12 JAN 10 by chilloutroses
Jackson & Perkins site says it has a strong pear fragrance. Your post says none to mild. I'd like to hear from growers for their comment on the aroma.
Reply #1 of 5 posted 13 JAN 10 by RoseBlush
In this case, the information on the rose page came from the registration material submitted by J & P to the ARS.

Reply #2 of 5 posted 18 AUG 10 by Louise's Garden
I have this rose and love it. Mine has a strong fruity fragrance.
Reply #3 of 5 posted 27 AUG 11 by Hedgerow Rose
Mine just started blooming and I would categorize the fragrance as a medium, delicious fruity scent. This is a gorgeous rose, starting out a deep orange and fading to salmon pink. The stems are strong enough to hold the large blooms upright. In our garden showing incredible disease resistance!
Reply #4 of 5 posted 27 MAY 14 by Robert D.
Our Sedona has a wonderfully rich fruity fragrance. It is also one of the most beautiful flowers of all the plants in our rose collection. Healthy, vigorous, and generous with huge, long lasting blooms. We're going to get another next spring. Wonderful!
Reply #5 of 5 posted 25 MAY 22 by Hopeisdopie
Im in southern california and my Sedona has almost no smell. This is its 3rd year and this spring i happened to notice a very light fragrance. but now that its getting hot, its scentless again ????‍♀️
most recent 26 MAR 22 SHOW ALL
Initial post 15 NOV 21 by Hopeisdopie
not arizona
Reply #1 of 1 posted 26 MAR 22 by Michael Garhart
It's not, but I'd like to know which rose it is. It looks like a nice color.
most recent 25 MAR 22 SHOW ALL
Initial post 26 NOV 21 by Flame_Master
Does anyone grow both 'Barbra Streisand' and 'Neptune'? I wish to know how their fragrance compare. I heard that BS has a strong old rose fragrance, does Neptune approach it in terms of fragrance? or Should I just get both?
Reply #1 of 2 posted 26 NOV 21 by MADActuary
Barbara is likely to be more fragrant than Neptune. I grew Neptune this year (new plant) and yes it has fragrance but I would not describe my Neptune as very fragrant. Maybe that will change with time as the bush matures.
Reply #2 of 2 posted 25 MAR 22 by Hopeisdopie
never smelled Barba but my Neptune is easily the strongest smelling rose in my garden, right next to scentimental. You can easily smell it form across the yard! Both Neptune and Scentimental are favorites of mine, their scents are to me pretty similar, but Neptune has a distinctive difference... im not so good with describing scents! but either way Neptune is a 10/10 all around rose for me!
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