Remember that this is the perspective of a person living in a place with lots of hot weather and dry air: I’ve had Golden Celebration for about 10 years now in Just morning sun. It has grown great with new canes every year. However, I hate it! The flowers open up from bud to fully open in one day and then the petals fall. I love to give rose bouquets to people but I can’t put it in bouquets because of the short vase life. It also has NO FRAGRANCE IN OUR HOT WEATHER (and by that I really mean all year)!!! And then to add on to that, it blooms 2 times a year. Yes, at these times it’s full of flowers but they blow out so quickly it’s ridiculous. So, this year I said that’s it. I didn’t have the guts to shovel prune it but I moved to a lesser place in the yard.
#1 of 3 posted
1 FEB 22 by
Thank you for your review. It seems a lot of DAs blow their petals rather fast which is a pet peeve of mine too.
Wow, thanks for the comment. Im in zone 10b and was about to buy this plant!
#3 of 3 posted
27 JUN 23 by
I am in zone 10b about 5 mile to ocean heavy marine layer May -June. Dry summers. Summer highs 80s ( few days in 90s). GC is wonderful in my garden. Tons of blooms. Long lasting blooms. Healthy. No black spot even when I have others with black spot or powdery mildew. Absolutely a stunning bloom.