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12 AUG 21
It's first year in my garden has been healthy and disease resistant. Doesn't like the super high temps. or is still very young to rebloom. I adore the billowy, pink blossoms that seem to float when in bloom. The fragrance is like no other.
12 AUG 21
A top 3 favorite. Planted late last fall (was worried that I was planting too late in season) but is now as tall as me! Smells so divine and the color can't be beat for a yellow rose. This is a winner.
12 AUG 21
Last fall when planted, I didn't know you are supposed to winter the small bands from Rogue Valley Roses in pots over winter. All winter I was sick that this new addition would perish from the cold winter. However, in the spring, when I lost Princess Charlene de Monaco and Kiss Me Kate to a late spring freeze, this tiny little warrior persisted and has even thrived through intense heat and aphid infestation. This is another rose that I am so ready to see in it's full, mature glory. I cannot BELIEVE that that tiny, tiny plant survived!!!!! This is another keeper! There's something about those Rogue Valley Roses-they must grow them extra tough.
12 AUG 21
A top 3 favorite. Maybe my #1 favorite. Bought from Burlington Roses in the winter, and wintered in my little greenhouse. Bloomed as soon as it could in the spring-and oh, how it bloomed. The green "eye"? in the center is so charming combined with the ballerina pink petals. Is currently growing up a garden pillar in full sun. Has bloomed several times this summer. Highly recommended.
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