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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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most recent 18 MAY 21 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 18 MAY 21 by AnnaR
Hardy in zone 4b, however did not perform well after a harsh winter. Transplanted in part shade in zone 6b bloomed repeatedly the first year. Absolutely healthy and vigorous on multiflora rootstock. Gorgeous "old rose" cupped shape and romantic color. One of my favorites.
most recent 18 JUL 19 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 18 JUL 19 by AnnaR
Bought this plant flowering. Every perfectly shaped rose stayed on the bush for over three weeks. Took under three weeks to rebloom. No disease at all when even the modern Kordes roses showed some black spot. Pleasant spicy scent and outstanding look-at-me color. Shrugs off rain. Looks marvelous in a pot. Will be going back to the source for more.
most recent 15 JUN 19 SHOW ALL
Initial post 3 JAN 16 by Pat Wallace zone 5a Illinois
In my yard in northern Illinois Sweet Drift is highly susceptible to mildew. I grew this rose several years ago and it was shovel pruned. There has been so much talk of drift roses these days. My skills as a rose gardener improved thru the years and my soil is much improved. I replanted Sweet Drift to see if there would be any improvement. It has now completed two full years. Both years covered from head to toe in powderery mildew.
Reply #1 of 5 posted 4 JAN 16 by Nastarana
Have you considered replacing with one of the Medilland series? Those were released before the Drift series. I have grown 'Pink Medilland', 'White Medilland' and 'Alba Medilland", and I think they are all excellent cultivars. I don't recall ever seeing mildew on any of those three.
Reply #2 of 5 posted 4 JAN 16 by Pat Wallace zone 5a Illinois
Thank you for your suggestion. I have found suitable alternatives for my area. Flower Carpets and several of the smaller Kordes ground cover rose grow very well here. They are nearly disease free in my no spray garden. I also have 2 from the drift series that have done well but are only in their first year. Far too young too comment on.
Reply #3 of 5 posted 4 JAN 16 by Nastarana
Which carpets and ground cover roses do you like? I have 'Green Snake", a true creeping ground cover from Lens in Belgium. The leaves are completely spotless here in blackspot central, and the plants survive my cold, wet winters, also 5a, with no protection of any kind, but the flowers are insignificant.
Reply #5 of 5 posted 15 JUN 19 by AnnaR
I have Flower Carpet Apple Blossom planted in part-shade. A very healthy spreading plant, nice flowers true to their "apple blossom" name. Comes into its own after second season in the ground. Blooms even in partial shade. The color goes well with cold pinks, purples and lilacs.
Reply #4 of 5 posted 15 JUN 19 by AnnaR
Agree entirely about mildew. The bloom was s lovely that I even used copper fungicide spray - once only in my no spray garden. The next year this lovely rose was again covered with mildew and was deported to a spray garden of a less demanding friend.
most recent 13 JUN 19 SHOW ALL
Initial post 4 MAY 18 by Witchy
Chamblee sells this as 1 gal own root. (Where I purchased mine) In 6b WV it had zero winter damage (2017/18 bad winter with Feb warm up dipping back to cold), and is putting up laterals now on the main canes I trained horizontal after I planted it last spring. I hope more people chime in, because this is an excellent rose in every way. Huge opening layer cake blooms. It's the first climber I would recommend to someone. I never sprayed it, and it only had a couple old leaves spot. Mine is planted out in the open, where it got wind 24/7. I suspect it would do ok for someone in a colder zone.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 13 JUN 19 by AnnaR
I agree. The color is fabulous and the fragrance is even better. A very health and vigorous rose here in zone 6 facing bitter winds from the Hudson river. Vigorous own root plant. Blooms the entire season. Gorgeous as a cut flower.
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