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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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most recent 9 JUN SHOW ALL
Initial post 5 MAY 22 by Kathy Strong
Hmmm, only a little bit of fragrance on this one here. Anytime they name something "Parfuma," I expect better. Marketing!
Reply #1 of 7 posted 30 MAY 23 by S_Mazza
Agreed ... nice rose, but it's like the perfume didn't make it through customs.
Reply #2 of 7 posted 26 AUG 23 by jeffbee
Reply #3 of 7 posted 7 JUN by Michael Garhart
Mine has a strongly developed plant now, so I'm going to see if having a larger root system has an affect on the fragrance or not (it does in some damask HTs). I'll try to remember to report back.
Reply #4 of 7 posted 7 JUN by Nastarana
What is a "damask HT"?
Reply #5 of 7 posted 9 JUN by Kim Rupert
I think Michael means HTs with Damask scent.
Reply #6 of 7 posted 9 JUN by Michael Garhart
Sorry Damask HT is basically the darker red types with damask fragrance, or at least referred to as damask fragrance even if its not lol.
Reply #7 of 7 posted 9 JUN by Michael Garhart
Tested the scent today. If I REALLY bury my nose in there, its moderate fragrance. The plant is very nice, and the blooms are pretty, but labeling it Parfuma is a stretch by Kordes in my opinion.

The soil has adequate water. The plant is healthy and robust. The blooms are large and full. The weather has been cool mornings and mid-80s afternoons. So there is no real reason for it not to be fragrant. I just think Kordes overstated the strength of scent. Or maybe they're really sensitive to that type of scent.

For those reading, I'd still buy it again. It looks romantic and its very healthy. But don't expect it to blow your nose away lol.

Edit: Days later, I tested it again. It rained yesterday and has been cool. Today, it was dry, cool and overcast. The scent was moderate and peach scented. As in the scent of cut peaches.
most recent 23 JUN 23 SHOW ALL
Initial post 11 JUL 18 by jeffbee
A lot of people in China commend SC for its strong fragrance and remontancy.
But strangely enough, though my SC has given me 3 flushes during spring(truly remontant), non of them seems to have "strong fragrance", only very mild smell....

Even troubles me more is that both the plants I and my mom grow(which are in different zones in China) died in the summer time, is SC not heat-tolerant?
Reply #1 of 1 posted 23 JUN 23 by ms_margaret
I live in Atlanta GA. I bought this rose from High Country Roses. It looks like the photos during spring. Mid summer it loses its leaves, presumably to disease. I don't smell a damask scent. Mine is light and peppery. I sometimes wonder if mine is actually Sweet Chariot. It does seem vigorous for a mini rose.
most recent 23 MAY 23 SHOW ALL
Initial post 26 APR 16 by goncmg
Yellow, as with lavender/lilac/mauve, still as of 2016 has yet to be perfected in the modern rose. SUNSPRITE the Floribunda from 1973 is about as high on that "mountain" as any creator has gone. At least in my humble opinion. Yet this one, released over 50 years ago, is pretty good! As is Summer Sunshine which ALSO was released in 1962. Midas Touch is deeper in tone, Oregold is more of a peer and does not even compare! Radiant Perfume is a joke, a few others such as Sunshine Daydream may be lustier in growth......St. Patrick is solid...... but in 54 years? Yellow has not come even as far as lavender/lilac/mauve has. King's Ransom would have been an AARS candidate even released 30 years later. By far the most deep yellow and most reliable yellow for years. A great rose, actually.
Reply #1 of 2 posted 11 DEC 16 by jeffbee
wow, i'm looking for advices for my yellow rose choice, and your commet is really helpful! thx
Reply #2 of 2 posted 23 MAY 23 by drossb1986
I can always count on you for a solid review! I have Kings Ransom, and it's pretty good. That being said, I've yet to find a yellow I'm totally in love with. Gold Glow comes close, but it has its drawbacks. Midas Touch is very vibrant, but it needs a few more petals. I have NEVER gotten a Sunsprite to grow correctly and I'm on plant number 3...all of which have been sad turds. Gold Medal is easy to grow everywhere I've lived, but it lacks some personality and the blooms turn that nasty white with pink speckles and hang on too long in that ghastly state. St. Patrick was much the same way for me, and I just wasn't a felt very "flat".
most recent 19 MAY 22 SHOW ALL
Initial post 9 MAR 18 by jeffbee
Tantau rates it as 5-star in fragrance, but according to a lot of rose growers I met, it have little fragrance, which doubts me...
Reply #1 of 2 posted 7 MAR 21 by Plazbo
May be time of day or conditions?

I mean Dagmar Hastrup is apparently a strong clove...which is sort of true for maybe an hour in the morning then it's basically no fragrance here. Rise N Shine is listed as strong fragrance...I've smelt nothing from it over several years of growing it.
Reply #2 of 2 posted 19 MAY 22 by jeffbee
I smell "Chippendale" in different occassions, nurseries, gardens, exhibitions, but I never get a "strong" smell....
the same applies to "Augusta Luisse", which is also claimed to be very fragrant one.
It's so tricky....because I can get the fragrance from other ones like "double delight",“golden celebration”,“fragrant cloud” ,"eclair" everytime I met them....
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