I found this rose at the Portland Rose Garden without identification - it was one bush planted in a larger section of Traviata. As you can see in the photo, it has dark green glossy foliage, strong upright growth approximately 5-6 ft. tall, really nice firm petal form, blooming in strong clusters, the color pink fading to white (?) with a very nice moderate to strong fragrance. The best I can find on HMF is Claire Rose, however I'm not convinced that's right because the growth pattern of the Claire looks more arching with solitary blooms. Can anyone help me identify this gorgeous rose?
Thanks very much!
Labels may come - and go. But I am sure the garden would keep records and could help you.
Hi Patricia-
Thanks for your response. I did seek out several people at the Garden when I was there visiting, but no one could help except to say to email the Master Gardener there - which I did - with no response back.
Does this look like a rose you may know?
Thanks- Natalie
Seems odd, unless the rose was in the Trials section, where it would only have a number. I've emailed the Portland Rose Society to see if they can help here.
Two emails have been returned. generalinfo@portlandrosesociety.org webmaster@portlandlandrosesociety.org
I give up. Perhaps they are not growing roses in Portland any more.
Hi Patricia-
You're very nice to have emailed Portland Rose Garden. Thank you. I'm also laughing about them not growing roses anymore. Good one!
If anyone else has an inkling what this rose might be, I'd be very interested.
Thanks again!