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Structure for The Pilgrim. Stare very intently and you will see the chicken wire.
1 favorite vote.
Uploaded 15 MAR 15 |
Decided this spring to transform my kitchen garden into a rose and flower garden.
Uploaded 17 FEB 15 |
Spring 2014. Six year old plants. Zone 7b. I tie her in and tie her in and eventually I just give up and let her do what she wants. After all, in my garden, she's basically a once bloomer.
Uploaded 17 FEB 15 |
Spring 2014. Two year old plant. Zone 7b. Purchased from Vintage Gardens. In my garden it doesn't receive enough sun or enough water. Eight inches down its roots probably hit rock hard clay. Spindly so far but healthy despite my mistreatment of it.
Uploaded 17 FEB 15 |
Spring 2014. Six year old plant. Zone 7b. Very healthy, very vigorous climber.
1 favorite vote.
Uploaded 17 FEB 15 |
1 favorite vote.
Uploaded 17 FEB 15 |
Spring 2014. Six year old plant. Zone 7b. Very healthy. Does well in slightly shady locations. The Generous Gardener is not shy with her fragrance either.
7 favorite votes.
Uploaded 17 FEB 15 |
Spring 2014. Two year old plants. Zone 7b.
3 favorite votes.
Uploaded 17 FEB 15 |