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Freckles rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Rosecandy
Freckles is a very pretty rose!
Uploaded 1 SEP 15
Tranquility ™ rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Rosecandy
This is a beautiful rose! It has been disease and maintenance free. The scent is truly wonderful and also very strong. The dark green foliage is a nice backdrop to the delicate pink blooms. I have not experienced blooms starting white, as another owner has, but the old blooms have turned white just before falling apart. These are on a bush that was planted as a band in April. It receives full afternoon sun.
Uploaded 30 AUG 15
Plum Perfect ™ rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Rosecandy
More blooms, with a slightly different shape than in my other photos. This picture was taken on an overcast day just after a day of rain. The picture is closer to the actual color of the blooms than my other close-up photos.
1 favorite vote.  
Uploaded 1 SEP 15
Tranquility ™ rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Rosecandy
This is a beautiful rose! It has been disease and maintenance free. The scent is truly wonderful and also very strong. The dark green foliage is a nice backdrop to the delicate pink blooms. I have not experienced blooms starting white, as another owner has, but the old blooms have turned white just before falling apart. These are on a bush that was planted as a band in April. It receives full afternoon sun.
1 favorite vote.  
Uploaded 30 AUG 15
Plum Perfect ™ rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Rosecandy
This is a whole bush shot with some blooms. Lovely!
3 favorite votes.  
Uploaded 1 SEP 15
Plum Perfect ™ rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Rosecandy
This is the same bush, a few months older. In my limited experience most rose bands will put out a large, thorny (if that variety naturally has them) cane once it's settled in. The cane has always been thicker than the others, thornier, taller, , sometimes have darker leaves, and have quite a number of buds on it. If your rose bush looks otherwise healthy and normal, growth like this may not be Rose Rosette. Keep an eye on it and if you're really concerned ask an expert (they can often tell by pictures you post online). Remember, many roses' new growth starts out red, then as the growth matures it turns green.
Uploaded 30 AUG 15
Tranquility ™ rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Rosecandy
This is a whole bush shot. Please ignore the weeds--I weeded the day after I took this photo. This bush was planted as a band back in April and it's done remarkably well. It's been disease free and has shown no sign of heat stress despite seeing full afternoon sun and a lack of water all summer. The only possible stress it showed was a lack of blooms during the dry spell of the summer (these blooms showed up after three days of rain). This rose will always have a place in my garden!
Uploaded 30 AUG 15
Plum Perfect ™ rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Rosecandy
This is the first bloom on a band just a couple of months old. It bloomed purple and stayed purple until I clipped it off, and that's no small feat for a purple rose in full sun--especially the first bloom on a band!
Uploaded 30 AUG 15
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