Do you have a nursery to list on HMF ?
Hi Jim, with a collection of Hybrid Teas and other moderns as large as yours, you really should consider uploading a list of what you grow to Help Me Find. You may well have some which aren't shown as currently available commercially, It is always interesting seeing what appeals to other site users. Also, if you're serious about learning to hybridize your own roses, you really should become a Premium Member here. It is only $24 a year, just $2 a month and affords you unlimited research of the parentage information contained in the database.
You can learn much by seeing what made the really good roses in your garden. Being able to search through this information will also help show you which roses have proven themselves beneficial as seed and/or pollen parents. I've found it also useful in preventing too close breeding, crossing roses which turn out to be from the same, or too similar parents. That kind of in breeding can be as detrimental in plants as it can be with animals (and people!).
You can easily join as a Premium Member and begin researching the parentage information at the "Membership" tab on the upper left under "Site Features" on any page here on the site. I hope you will join us other Premium Members in supporting the best on line rose resource. Thanks!