Initial post
3 AUG 12 by
hello, my name is Bini, I´m from germany. ours is a 6b climat. I´d like to share with you why "Westerland"is my favorit rose and why, if I would be allowed to have only one rose in my garden, it sure would be "Westerland". "Westerland" was among the first roses I ever got, 15 years back, when I was looking for tall, blooming plants to set along a fence towards the street. I don´t even remember why I got it, because then I was in my " pink phase" . I put it in our heavy clay ground with lots of composted horse manure and just watched it grow. within 2 years it had metamorphosed into a 2.50m high, almost 2 m wide bloom-monster. if you dead-head it, it blooms. if you don´t, it sets hips and blooms, if you feed it, it blooms, if you forget, it blooms.if it gets blackspots in moist years, it shakes off those spotted leaves and blooms. and along with the many blooms comes a fragrant.... so strong and wonderful... I´ve seen pedestrians stop dead in their tracks, or come over from the other side of the street, just do burry ther noses in my "Westerland". I´ve been ask so many times about her name and whereabouts, that I actually thought about putting a name tack outside of the fence, but then I would have missed all those little talks. Many could just not resist and nicked a bloom from her, but neither my "Westerland" nor I did mind, we understood eachother as ambassadors of roses. Her color was a truly strong orange, more yellow in the middle, in hot weather or as the days went by the blooms brightend into lighter colors, some even into soft baby-rosè with a yellow center. the blooms stayed on the shrub long, and if you where lazy turning into big green hips. she started doing her blooming-thing in mid-june until father frost send her to sleep. Last winter we had an freakish warm january, followed by 6 weeks of dry, bitter frost.It took about half of all my roses. old or young, protected or not,monsters and petits all the same.And it took my "Westerland". maybe you already know how it feels to take a saw to the corps of a plant you really liked.... I left the roots in, because I did not want to do damage to the neighboring plants in springtime bringing out the roots big as the ones of trees. I went an got a new "Westerland", putting it near the old, familiar spot. Next thing I know was fat, big fingers with rubired foilage on top reaching out of the ground on my first "Westerland" grave. I was so proud of my old girl ! now they are blooming side by side along my fence, making me happy just by looking at them. I can´t wait for them to reach maturity and call out for worshippers up and down the street. I firmly belive, if every gardeners first rose would be a "Westerland" there would be more rose-lovers. Bini.
What you have experienced is similar to what I have had happen during my rose life. The roses continue to surprise me with their determination to live.
Smiles, Lyn
#2 of 2 posted
24 MAY 13 by
I found 'Westerland' abandoned in a 1 gallon pot with about 1/2 gallon worth of soil, still alive but struggling. I potted it up into a very large pot (about 15 gallons) to see what would happen. It has now had about a year to settle in and is blooming like crazy. Like Bini says, people stop and want to know what this rose is! I am making cuttings to give to people and sharing stories like Bini's, which is all you need to know about any rose.
Initial post
30 AUG 12 by
I planted 2 Eden roses from the same nursery. one was the most beautyful white one with one a hint of pale pink in the middle, like you see it in the catalogs. the other one was right from the start true pink , lighter outside than in the middle. the pale one was always a sickly and thin beauty, the pink one decided to get crazy and turned into a wide an tall bush, challenging every winter and coming out the winner. my little true colored one walked into the light in her second winter and was never much mourned. I have talked to a couple of gardeners about the white/palepink edens, and they all rolled ther eyes and had storys about syphilitic beautys. Bini
#1 of 3 posted
30 AUG 12 by
Do You have photo's from both types to upload with this shared experience?
#2 of 3 posted
1 SEP 12 by
Dear Jay-Jay
Here some pics of my Eden. The true colored white/palepink one ist dead and gone for may years now. She died in her second winter.I have no pictures of her, if I had, it would be paper-prints :)).Shown is the suviving shrub, 165cm high,slimmer than usually, for I took one third out to rejuvenile it. This late in saison the colors are less intense, blooms are smaller and a most of my very filled roses have a lot less petals.Probably due to the fact that I only mulch my roses with horsemanure compost in november, work that in a little in april. Probably they lack nutritions now in september, but I rather have them not preform 100% by fall that loose tender groth or worse in winter.I do hope the pink shows good enough, if not it´s a good reason to finally get a better camera :)
Best regards, Bini Germany,Sept.2012
#3 of 3 posted
1 SEP 12 by
Thank You Bini, The photo's are showing clearly what You mean! And indeed from no other photographed Eden the petals are that pink! Maybe it's a sport ('Pink Eden'), like there is a White Eden too. It would be nice to propagate it. And yes it's good not to overfeed them with nutrients in late summer/fall, to enable the plant to stop growing and produce "antifreeze".
Danke schön Bini, Die Bilder zeigen haargenau, was Sie meinen! Und indertat gibt es keine anderen Foto's, auf dem Eden so Rosa Blütenblätter hat! Vielleicht ist es eine Mutation ('Rosa Eden'). vielleicht wäre es angebracht sie zu vermehren mittels Veredlung. Und ja, im Algemeinen ist es gut die Rosen nicht zu stark zu düngen spät im Sommer oder Herbst, damit die Pflanze aufhört zu wachsen und sich gegen den Frost schützt.
Initial post
24 AUG 12 by
mine has sometimes during midday a mild but clear raspberry-scent. something I have never smelled on a rose before. most of the time, especially when I want to share the scent with someone, it presents itself almost without any fragrance. the shrub ist covered in flowers, which stay on very long and don´t fade or suffer even in direct sun.
Initial post
24 AUG 12 by
very big bloom in a fantastic but difficult to combine color. very strong, very upright growth. very intense scent, a bit on the sweet side .never needed spraying.