HelpMeFind Roses, Clematis and Peonies
Roses, Clematis and Peonies
and everything gardening related.
most recent 4 DEC SHOW ALL
Initial post 11 SEP 15 by kysusan
St. Swithin is disease resistant in zone 6B, Kentucky, without spraying fungicide. Very easy care. The blossoms are radiant with a light but sweet scent. Generous bloomer with old fashioned look.
Reply #1 of 2 posted 7 APR by Gdisaz10
In my hot humid climate it is always full of black spot. A disaster!
Reply #2 of 2 posted 4 DEC by jmattson
in my cold in winter, humid in summer climate, it gets very little or none. we had heavy rains this past summer and it was clean while graham thomas, five feet away, spotted up.
most recent 16 JUN 20 SHOW ALL
Initial post 8 OCT 16 by kysusan
This has been an excellent rose for me this year. Purchased bare root from Austin USA in 2016, it has been covered in blooms from spring to fall, very healthy and nicely shaped, dense leaves. I spray fungicide, but Olivia might be good for a no spray garden. A drawback is lack of scent. Hopefully that will develop. Even so, it's a keeper.


Year two, still no scent.
Reply #1 of 4 posted 7 MAY 18 by moriah
Mine has a very nice fragrance and the first one to bloom this year.
Reply #2 of 4 posted 12 JUN 20 by ChrisBC
Mine has a pleasant old rose scent, but not a strong one. It's interesting that the latest Austin handbook/web info lists the fragrance as "light-medium" instead of the "strong" it used to claim (see the description right here on the intro page for this rose). But it's a wonderful, healthy rose and makes a great cut flower (unlike most Austins).
Reply #3 of 4 posted 15 JUN 20 by StrawChicago heavy clay zone 5
I love your comments, great info. Thank you.
Reply #4 of 4 posted 16 JUN 20 by ChrisBC
Thank you! I should add that I do not spray it, and in my garden (west coast - Vancouver area, temperate and rainy), it has shown no hint of disease.
most recent 16 MAY 20 SHOW ALL
Initial post 20 SEP 15 by kysusan
Could someone say, please, what zone is Lady of Shallot hardy to? I'm in 6b. Thank you!
Reply #1 of 8 posted 20 SEP 15 by styrax
Reply #2 of 8 posted 20 SEP 15 by Nastarana
Most of Austen's yellow and yellowish orange roses have Noisette parentage. You might want to contact a local rose society before ordering this one. However, much can be accomplished with a south facing wall and copious water.
Reply #7 of 8 posted 17 NOV 15 by AquaEyes
That's an interesting assumption. I know Austin has mentioned using some Noisettes, but I note that many of his large-flowered yellows descend from 'Aloha' and/or 'Yellow Cushion'. Those he acknowledges having Noisette ancestry tend have smaller flowers in clusters. I'm sure there are exceptions, but considering the yellow-shade roses for which he has disclosed ancestry, I think it's safe to say that many don't have Noisette ancestry, and will likely be as cold-hardy as most Floribundas.


Reply #3 of 8 posted 20 SEP 15 by Jay-Jay
I live in 6a and until now no harm at all from (even bare)frosts. It can get big and might be used in flowerbeds or as a solitaire.
No harm to the petals from scorching sunlight.
No long vase-life, just like most of the Austins. Fair scent.
Relatively disease free, even without spraying and after a big first flush, almost always with one or a few flowers.(scattered)
PS: no weak necks!
Reply #4 of 8 posted 21 SEP 15 by kysusan
Thank you all. I'm making my list for 2016. You make Help Me Find great!
Reply #5 of 8 posted 29 SEP 15 by StrawChicago heavy clay zone 5
Thank you, Jay-Jay, for the info. on Lady of Shalott. You helped me many times with my buy-list, I appreciate your info. in HMF.
Reply #6 of 8 posted 30 SEP 15 by Jay-Jay
You're welcome...
And why not (it's a pleasure to) share experience on HMF, when others can profit from that?
As I did, when I was new on this site and used it (as well as books) to enhance my knowledge and expand my collection.
Reply #8 of 8 posted 16 MAY 20 by StrawChicago heavy clay zone 5
Agree with you, same with my own-root Lady of Shalott in partial shade.
most recent 9 JUL 19 SHOW ALL
Initial post 31 MAY 16 by kysusan
Can anyone comment on the strength and quality of this rose's fragrance? Thanks.
Reply #1 of 4 posted 17 JUN 16 by drogers
Triple Delight (from Modern Roses 12) Shrub, Pink Blend, large flower 65-80 petals, moderate fragrance, recurrent. Mrs Dudley Cross x seedling. Introductions: R.V. Roger, 2012, U.K.
Reply #2 of 4 posted 17 JUN 16 by drogers
Triple Delight (from Modern Roses 12) Shrub, Pink Blend, large flower 65-80 petals, moderate fragrance, recurrent. Mrs Dudley Cross x seedling. Introductions: R.V. Roger, 2012, U.K.
Reply #3 of 4 posted 17 JUN 16 by kysusan
Reply #4 of 4 posted 9 JUL 19 by drogers
Having this variety in our nursery for several years leads me to judge the fragrance to be a rather strong one.
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