Looks like a moss rose .
PhotoDiscussion id : 58-892
Perhaps not 'De La Grifferaie'. It seems as though it may be the same as the Australian foundling "Mrs. Something", or ?'Charles Lawson', or 'Gaspard Monge'.
Thank you for your interesting comment Patricia . I think you might be right . Not Charles Lawson for shure , but pictures of Gaspard Monge on this site look the same as my rose .But then again , looking at the picture and description of De la G. in Sinclair & Thodey's book "Gardening With Old Roses" - it looks the same as my plant . And some descriptions in BCD book "The Old Rose Adventurer" fits my rose , others of course don't... Description of Gaspard Monge (listed as extinct) in his book says "blooms large to ca. 4 in" , the blooms on mine are 2 at most . I really don't know any more... I would be very gratefull If you can tell me where to find some more descriptions of Gaspard Monge . If you wish , you can contact me on my mail - henrik.korpnik@amis.net , or on FB - Henrik Korpnik . I'm always interested in more information about my found roses , and I still have some of which correct identification I'm not shure of .
Much more reading can be found in the comments for 'Gaspard Monge'. There were more 30 replies so the whole thing takes a good while to read (and take in) and read again. But it is certainly of interest.
in my opinion, that front cover photo of Sinclair and Thodey's book, was not of 'De la Grifferaie', but of the rose in question. In Australia we have at least stabilised on the main study name of "Mrs. Something" for this rose.
PhotoDiscussion id : 51-122
100 % not General Jacqueminot
Could you tell us what plant characteristics that makes you so certain this rose is not 'General Jacqueminot ? Bloom, foliage, color ? Could it be different clones or that the rose may have been grown in different climates with different cultivation practices ?
Smiles, Lyn
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