I got A 'mystery rose' from Rogue Valley Roses last year. I'm wondering if I have an Etoile de Lyon. It's short and one bud takes awhile to open but stays open for over a week before starting to fade. It's the same color as shown on HMF. I realize it's early in the life of this own root, but I'm so curious as to what I might have.
Leave some hips to develop and note whether they are glandular or smooth. Also photograph a just-opening bud and pedicel and show us on HelpMeFind. If you are able to buy the 2008 Australian book 'Tea Roses: Old Roses for Warm Gardens', that has an excellent page on how to distinguish 'Etoile de Lyon' - and many other teas.
Patricia, Thank you! I have that book. I will leave some hips (that's easy enough as it forms only one flower at a time). It's going to help me identify another rose I'm curious about also. Mary
Is this rose thornless?
Mme Berkeley is not heavily armed but it has some prickles on most stems and quite a few on the backs of the leaves.