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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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most recent 7 DEC 23 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 7 DEC 23 by WarGar
Moje Hammarberg has been a reliable "baby" producer for me, growing new roses off roots. I bought my first one maybe ten years ago at a local botanical garden plant sale and have been potting up and giving away "babies" ever since. It does tend to go into dormancy in winter and take longer to show new growth in the spring than my other rose classes (minis, floribundas, polyanthas, a few OGRs) which I found surprising since Hybrid Rugosa are known to be cold hardy. The only thing I can figure is that here in the south (North Alabama, zone 7, now zone 8??), maybe it gets too warm for them and they need a resting period? Just a guess, but mine reliably returns in the spring. I will say that the other classes I have don't tend to go dormant. We had some nasty hard freezes last winter (Dec. 2022, Jan. & Feb. 2023). Some of my roses lost more canes than usual but all came back, even the two minis that died down to soil level! (in pots)
most recent 23 JUN 22 SHOW ALL
Initial post 31 MAY 06 by ParisRoseLady

I bought Hoot Owl originally because of the fun name (plus I was looking for a bright red mini).  It has done great for me--healthy, lots of growth and blooms.  The plant grabs people's attention with its vibrant red petals and cheerful white eye.  Guests to the garden always exclaim over it.  Claire, St Louis, Zone 5/6

Reply #1 of 2 posted 23 JUN 22 by WarGar
I've won several Best in Class (single mini) at local rose shows with this little gem. And I'm a very casual exhibitor! I love roses that do all the "work" (of exhibition).
most recent 1 JUN 20 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 1 JUN 20 by WarGar
I have a preference for odd colored roses and blended colors, and a need for miniatures or small shrub roses (small yard), so Denver's Dream was a perfect choice for me. It didn't bloom at all the first year and remains small - 2 canes - but we moved recently and I put it in a large pot and it's doing better than where I had it before (in the ground). There is now 1 small bloom on it and it's gorgeous! A little small at 1.5" but otherwise just like the photos. I bought mine as a band from Heirloom Roses in April 2018.
most recent 7 APR 20 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 7 APR 20 by WarGar
I found this in a greenhouse struggling in a one gallon pot and rescued it. I planted it in the ground where it did not do well. Moved it to a pot. It did well. Planted it back in the ground. It did poorly. Back into a pot and there it stays. I've repotted it several times and it does well. I'm in northern Alabama zone 7a and the rose has been in full sun wherever I planted it. I don't spray, and I'm inconsistent about fertilizing, although my roses get a good top dressing of compost once or twice a year, and Mills Magic Rose Mix at twice a year. The rose blooms inconsistently but the blooms are gorgeous so I don't mind it's minimal display. With 30+ roses of all kinds in my yard, I have enough variety that I can handle a few roses that are poor performers.
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