Saint Francis Hospice is located in The Hall, Havering-atte-Bower, where the Rev Joseph Pemberton and his family lived for many years. We would like to bring all the Pemberton roses home to The Hall and are seeking help to find the missing roses. Please visit our website http://www.pembertonroses.org.uk/
How did you go in contacting Winterliesel as Jedmar advised (in Pemberton's comments) on Feb 3, 2012? I note you are listing some of Bentall's roses in your website: 'J. H. Pemberton', 'Mary' ,'Mayfair', 'Pearl', 'Rosaleen' and 'Sun-Ray'.
Hello Patricia, thank you for your response. I am in touch with Winterliesel and she will be visiting the hospice this summer. We have included Bentall's roses and are also looking to complete set if possible. If you know where we may find any of these roses please let us know. Thanks, Laura
Bonjour, je ne découvre que maintenant ton message de janvier! Desolee je serais heureuse de pouvoir continuer de faire revivre les rosiers du révérend Pemberton: sur la liste des Rosiers recherchés je n'ai que I Zingary et The Adjudant : ces rosiers sont des boutures que j'ai reçus de Winterliesel! Mais je vois que I Zingary est maintenant aussi commercialisé. Malheureusement, ces rosiers Hybrides de Thé sont chez moi très faibles et sujets aux maladies. Pour l'instant il m'est très difficile en l'état actuel d'en faire des boutures. peut-être l'année prochaine. J'espère que tu peux traduire ce message et que tu donneras des nouvelles de tes recherches ! Je me suis passionnée pour les rosiers du révérend Pemberton et ai fait beaucoup de recherches pour trouver ceux qui vivent encore, tout comme Winterliesel MEILLEURES salutations
Saint Francis Hospice is located in The Hall, Havering-atte-Bower (England), where the Rev Joseph Pemberton and his family lived for many years. We would like to bring all 49 of the Pemberton roses home to The Hall and are seeking help to find Bernice, Bertha Turner, Dorina Neave, Helen Taylor, Iris Patricia Green, Joan, Mary Monro, Miriam, Naomi, Rachel, Ruth, Galatea, The Adjutant. Please let me know if you can help. Thanks.
#1 of 1 posted
3 FEB 12 by
These roses seem to be extinct. You could contact member Winterliesel who has the largest Pemberton collection in Germany.
Saint Francis Hospice is located in The Hall, Havering-atte-Bower (England), where the Rev Joseph Pemberton and his family lived for many years. We would like to bring all 49 of the Pemberton roses home to The Hall and are seeking help to find Bernice, Bertha Turner, Dorina Neave, Helen Taylor, Iris Patricia Green, Joan, Mary Monro, Miriam, Naomi, Rachel, Ruth, Galatea, The Adjutant. If you can help, please get in touch. Thanks.