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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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Enrique Munoz Ramirez
most recent 29 SEP 23 SHOW ALL
Initial post 25 FEB 04 by Enrique Munoz Ramirez
Ole is the offical rose of San Jose, California. You can see mass plantings of it around a few older governmental buildings in downtown.
Reply #1 of 4 posted 14 SEP 23 by Tina Yang
Could i buy it now?
Reply #2 of 4 posted 14 SEP 23 by Jay-Jay
click on the rose and click than on the "Buy From" tab.
Maybe a nursery can sell You the rose. Be aware of Chines import restrictions and or regulations.
Good luck.
Reply #3 of 4 posted 29 SEP 23 by Tina Yang
Thank you! My English is poor,i click on "buy from",but it's difficult for me to find ole' on sale.Maybe i need call the nursery?
Reply #4 of 4 posted 29 SEP 23 by Jay-Jay
This site HMF doesn't sell roses...
But under the "Buy From" tab, You can find several nurseries selling this rose. Click on one or more (not the archive-ones) and their page on HMF will open. There is a button in the text: ""VISIT THEIR WEBSITE"
Contact them per email or if You like per phone, or go to their website and order online.
Still You'll have to sort it out as for import regulations with the Chinese customs.
Good luck and success.
most recent 9 MAR 21 SHOW ALL
Initial post 11 FEB 10 by Enrique Munoz Ramirez
I have my plant from the original abysinnica on the Santa Clara University gardens. I originally got it from cuttings around 2003-2004 after I asked a gardener, who was trimming it, if I could take a branch. It grows quickly. Even when I hack it down, it will easily grow 15 feet in the spring. This year, i moved it from its tiny spot and put it on a wall. Not the best spot either, but I can let it grow there at least. And the thing I've noticed is that the roots don't grow down that much. The roots spreads. One root was growing 5 feet away from the plant, and very close to the surface of the soil. I sense that this rose could topple down easily from the wind if it's not supported.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 9 MAR 21 by mmanners
In the wild (see my photos from central Ethiopia), it tends to send strong canes straight up, but then they fall over, becoming "scramblers" over the ground. So yes, I think you are right about it needing suport if you want it to remain upright.
most recent 23 FEB 18 SHOW ALL
Initial post 7 APR 07 by Enrique Munoz Ramirez
A secondary parentage that I frequently see, which is labled on the tag when Weeks Roses sold this rose, is this:

[Sweet Magic X (Sunblest X Coalite)] X [(Sunblest X (Chinatown X R. davidii elongata)]
Reply #1 of 1 posted 23 FEB 18 by Michael Garhart
It's plausible. in some crosses, I get seedlings with man, many quilled petals, which is a dominant trait in Sunblest seedlings. I had a ton of Toprose x Baby Love that did exactly this.

It's interesting, because Coalite is such an obscure UK rose, so you know the tag wasn't simply at random.

The only problem is that Sweet Magic is often set alone as the sole female parent in legal works. Which makes me wonder if it was Sweet Magic x (Sunblest x (Chinatown x Rosa davidii elongata)).

The secondary problem is that Baby Love is triploid, and I am guessing it is because Sweet Magic is triploid. It is possible that triploidy was generated twice, but I'm going to hazard that it was passed on once.

I guess we'll never know :[
most recent 22 JAN 15 SHOW ALL
Initial post 25 OCT 09 by Enrique Munoz Ramirez
That's a very lovely tea rose. The other sibbling is more interesting, but this one has captured my heart. The color and shape reminds me of La Follat. Great work with teas... have you crossed mini-teas with other mini-teas yet?
Reply #1 of 1 posted 22 JAN 15 by styrax
Would love to see this one in commerce.
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