HelpMeFind Roses, Clematis and Peonies
Roses, Clematis and Peonies
and everything gardening related.
Bev Schellen
most recent 19 JUN 13 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 19 JUN 13 by Bev Schellen
How do I use the Plant Lineage Report? I cannot find out how, but I HAVE used it in the past!
Reply #1 of 2 posted 19 JUN 13 by Patricia Routley
Go into the rose-in-question’s file. On the yellow line above the rose’s name, you will see Description, Photos, Lineage, Awards……Click on the Lineage box and take it from there.

Alternatively, explore Advanced Search (under Plants on the left) and then click on Lineage.

You have been growing roses for a long time now. It would be wonderful if you could share what roses you are growing. In Ponde-Lea Cottage Gardens, there is a 'Plants Grown' section where you can add new roses in your garden, or delete the ones that didn't make it.
Reply #2 of 2 posted 19 JUN 13 by HMF Admin
Go to the plant's lineage page and choose the desired report but be aware we do not have lineage information for all plants.
most recent 5 JUL 12 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 3 JUL 12 by Bev Schellen
Can anybody help me please? I am trying to find out the background history and details/information about a rose that I have called "Spanish Lady"? It is a light red HT, with overtones of black stripes, mid-green Fol, vigorus & erect growth, semi-double blooms, and slightly fragrant. I would like to know year & place of release, and it's parentage if possible. Thank you in anticipation of some info.
Reply #1 of 5 posted 4 JUL 12 by Patricia Routley
Mme. Gregoire Staechelin ?
Reply #2 of 5 posted 4 JUL 12 by Bev Schellen
I am sorry, but I don't understand your post. Do you mean (1) is "Mme. Gregoire Staechelin" the correct name (or synonom) for "Spanish Lady"?; or (2) that one of it's parents might be "Mme. Gregoire Staechelin"?; or (3) something else? Please enlighten me - thanks for your reply.
Reply #3 of 5 posted 5 JUL 12 by Patricia Routley
Another name for 'Mme. Gregoire Staechelin' is 'Spanish Beauty', so it was a guess on my part. However as 'Spanish Beauty' is pink, and 'Spanish Lady' is red it was probably a bad guess. I do have a Trewallyn 1997 catalogue and the wording is exactly as you have said. But I have never seen 'Spanish Lady' listed elsewhere. Do you have a photograph of the rose? Someone needs to contact Trewallyn Nursery, near Bundaberg in Queensland to ask for more info on the rose. Is there a Queenslander out there who could do so?
Reply #4 of 5 posted 5 JUL 12 by Bev Schellen
Thank you for clarifying your question, and yes I do know about that one, although I did not realize that 'Mme. Gregoire Staechelin' was a synonym for it. Thanks for that new tid-bit of info! As for 'Spanish Lady', I bought that originally from Trevallyn Nursery, and have already asked them about it, and they were unable to help me further - so far at least - but we are both working together to try and find out more about the rose, because apparently they have also received other requests for it's parentage.
Reply #5 of 5 posted 5 JUL 12 by Patricia Routley
We will make a file for 'Spanish Lady' so that when you have photos or new information, it can go straight into the file.
most recent 3 JUL 12 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 3 JUL 12 by Bev Schellen
Rose Listing Omission

Spanish Lady

Hybrid tea, light red with overtones of black stripes; mid-green foliage, erect grower, semi-double, vigorous, slightly fragrant [P.18-20]. [From description in 1995-1996 Retail Catalogue for "Trewallyn Nursery", Rose Specialists (Est. 1950), Queensland, Australia.

Comments: Have had this plant growing for many years. Would like to found more information on this rose, such as: parentage; release date & place, etc. It is not known to what source the "[P.18-20] - *see above" is a reference. Would greatly appreciate any relevant information.
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