HelpMeFind Roses, Clematis and Peonies
Roses, Clematis and Peonies
and everything gardening related.
most recent 31 AUG 16 SHOW ALL
Initial post 25 FEB 04 by Anonymous-2730
Il existe un rosier moderne Ispahan dont la photo est ci-dessous (photo de catalogue)
Reply #1 of 3 posted 25 JUL 16 by Patricia Routley
It is 12 years since you posted this comment and photo so I am really hoping that you are still "out there".
It is quite possible that the rose pictured is Sam McGredy's 'Ispahan', a 1980 bicolour miniature. Is there a date of the catalogue and was there any description of the rose or class in the catalogue?
Reply #2 of 3 posted 27 JUL 16 by Patricia Routley
It appears you are no longer "out there". I will take the liberty of moving the photo to McGredy's 1980 'Ispahan' with an appropriate comment.
Reply #3 of 3 posted 31 AUG 16 by Michel
Sorry to reply so late. I searched the catalog we (my wife and me) had found and ordered. Unfortunately it disappeared. It was probably a French or Swiss catalog 1985-1990. If I find him, I will not fail put a note on it.
most recent 11 AUG 14 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 9 AUG 14 by Simon Voorwinde
This photo should probably be removed. It is a scan from page 539 of Botanica's Pocket Roses book (and I assume the larger Botanica book, too).
Reply #1 of 1 posted 11 AUG 14 by Michel
This photo is taken from a CATALOGUE (Meilland, Delbard or Tschanz?) of the 1990s. It was scanned on May 13th 2001. The 1st edition of Botanica's Pocket Roses book dating from 2006, I think it is rather the Botanica's Roses Pocket book that took (after me) this photo from the producer / publisher of roses.
most recent 14 DEC 09 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 13 DEC 09 by Michel
This photography does not correspond to description that the obtentor gives some: “yellow colour amber”.
In addition, the petals are turned over, which is not the case on this photography, and the foliage is chechmate and not shining as one sees it on your two photographies.
(Documentation: catalogues Meilland-Richardier 1989 and Roseraies Tschanz, Lausanne, 1983-1984; Botanica's Roses. The Encyclopedia off Roses- Random House Australia Pty Ltd - French Edition: Könemann Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, Köln, 2000)
Reply #1 of 1 posted 14 DEC 09 by Cliff
Thanks very much for your comments, Michel. I can see why you questioned whether my photos are of the correct variety. However, I have found that many roses have colors that are more intense when grown in our hot desert climate, so I am careful before deciding that a rose is mislabeled. My Gilbert Becaud was imported from Belle Epoque rose nursery in the Netherlands in 2004 and I have sent an email message to them and have asked them to look at the photos on HelpMeFind and give me their opinion. I will report back after I hear from them.

most recent 13 DEC 09 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 11 DEC 09 by John Moody
Color is not right and form is wrong.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 13 DEC 09 by Michel
There must be a problem with the photograph presented by Cliff, Id 31578, like with obtaining.
I have the catalogue Tschanz 1983-84 with a photograph similar to the mienne and the following indications:

Gilbert Bécaud® Meiridorio
Pink Meilland 1980…
The most beautiful pink of France 1979.

(Gilbert Bécaud ® Meiridorio
Rose Meilland 1980. La forme élégante et le gai coloris jaune ambré de cette très belle variété vous enchantera. La plus belle rose de France 1979.)

A new rose would it have taken the same name?
The catalogue Meilland-Richardier 1989 presents the same rose (Réf. 10/197) as Tschanz (photo reversed)
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