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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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most recent 4 OCT 19 SHOW ALL
Initial post 16 APR 09 by maele
Love, love, love it! So far it's doing well in it's first southern california spring that's been a little colder than usual. Still waiting to see what it does in the HOT summer ahead, but will post an update. Blooms like crazy, and no blooms fell off in yesterday's high winds. Beautiful ruffled edges, worth it for that feature alone. Also, no signs of disease. Colors are muted but pretty, open up russettish, fade to salmon pinkish/lavender when spent.
Reply #1 of 21 posted 10 MAY 09 by Jeff Britt
This is a nice, healthy rose that blooms freely and well. I just can't stand the color. It must be a personal quirk, but the color is very unsettled, harsh and doesn't combine well with other colors in the garden.
Reply #2 of 21 posted 10 MAY 09 by Robert Neil Rippetoe
Jeff, you got further than I did. I couldn't bring myself to purchase CdM.
Reply #3 of 21 posted 11 MAY 09 by Don H
There is a bed of Cinco de Mayo at Elizabeth Park in Hartford. I have to say that the photos at HMF don't really capture its appearance in a bed, or even the flowers - the blooms have much more yellow in them here. It's a hugely floriferous plant, as well.

That said, the foliage and especially the canes detract from it, being very rustic looking and quite prickly. It is not high on my list as a breeder but I do think it would be worth exploring and may give it some attention this year as a pollen parent. I have a couple of OP seedlings going of it as well.
Reply #4 of 21 posted 12 MAY 09 by Jeff Britt
I didn't buy CDM to put in my garden. NO way would the color work anywhere. I bought three plants for a neighbor and she's thrilled with them. She likes anything bright and gaudy, and in her garden it seems to look O.K. CDM does flower like a trooper, though the growth is a bit uneven -- some short and some tall canes, so you don't get a very rounded bush without some heavy-handed pruning.
Reply #6 of 21 posted 26 MAY 09 by Jeff Britt
You know, I knew that the color of CDM reminded me of something, and yesterday the penny dropped. The color reminds me of when someone's mother used to mix grape Kool-Aid with Hawaiian Punch and serve it at a kids party. It tasted strange, too!
Reply #7 of 21 posted 28 MAY 09 by HMF Admin
lol !
Reply #5 of 21 posted 15 MAY 09 by Linette
We purchased the Cinco de Mayo and what a disappointment. It's a healthy plant and blooms frequently, however the color is awful and not as pictured at all. I thought the more it bloomed and became established, that the color would be truer to the picture but I think it has settled on a Coral with some blooms containing yellow streaks. I purchased this rose specifically for a corner that had been without for years (waiting on the right one) and I thought I had found the one with Cinco de Mayo. The blooms do not last long and the only positive I can find is the foliage color. This is one rose that I will be removing once I find a better one to add. I have never felt this way about a plant and much more a rose. I learn to live with the sometimes "not as pictured" roses but this rose is so different in color, it would almost be easier to believe they packaged the wrong plant in error. I only see the purple hues when the flower has died (so dead the petals are dry).
Reply #21 of 21 posted 4 OCT 19 by StrawChicago heavy clay zone 5
Thank you for the info. that blooms don't last long.
Reply #8 of 21 posted 2 JUN 09 by DonaldQuRoses
Wow I'm shocked with everyone disliking the color. I find it to be too beautiful for words! There is no way to photograph it and capture its nuances and color variations. I guess to each his own. I do wonder though if location makes a difference. Some roses look like completely different roses if viewed across the states and globe. I've mixed mine with a lavender pink rose and two very deep red roses. The combo is divine!
Reply #9 of 21 posted 4 JUN 09 by maele
The color does change a LOT, but I find the foliage really pretty. Even though it does match absolutely nothing, I am planning to put it with lavender perennials, a red japanese maple that is a dark maroon, and maybe small red roses. For me the second bloom cycle had a few dark orange flowers, but my friend's plant did turn very gaudy as some of you mentioned. Hers is from Star and mine is from Weeks, but I don't know if it makes a difference.
Now mine seems to have settled into a beautiful muted russet color, and it blooms all the time. I agree with everyone that this is a strange looking plant, but I still like it. One cool thing is that the color can pull together other random colors in a vase of cut roses, since it has a little bit of everything.
Reply #10 of 21 posted 5 JUN 09 by DonaldQuRoses
I can see 'Distant Drums' as a good companion rose! Just thought of this combo!
Reply #11 of 21 posted 5 JUN 09 by Jeff Britt
Reply #12 of 21 posted 5 JUN 09 by Robert Neil Rippetoe
"Yikes", lol, I had the same reaction!
Reply #18 of 21 posted 25 NOV 09 by Michael Garhart
Robert, you have no taste :P

I actually like this rose. It has a nice bushy habit. The color is very Fall-like here in Oregon. It is very rustic. It actually has a strong Pacific NW feel to it. My main complaint of it is that I feel it should be stronger smelling for what it is. I wish Distant Drums had a more natural bush like CdM does, and I wish CdM had a more memorable scent like DD does, lol.

At any rate, I would recommend this rose for rounding out any angular corners in the garden --especially those corners that need a smooth, dark touch to it -- not something punctual or attention seeking.
Reply #19 of 21 posted 25 NOV 09 by Robert Neil Rippetoe
Vive la difference! ;-)
Reply #20 of 21 posted 25 NOV 09 by Michael Garhart
Pffft :P
Reply #13 of 21 posted 5 JUN 09 by DonaldQuRoses
C'mon guys! Are ya color blind? ;) I just thought with Distant Drums being peach pink and purple it would echo a paler version of Cinco de Mayo. Now stop making fun of my color sense - I do have a Master of Fine Arts in Painting after all - whadyo got? ;)
Reply #14 of 21 posted 5 JUN 09 by Robert Neil Rippetoe
Degrees in horticulture. ;-)
Reply #15 of 21 posted 5 JUN 09 by DonaldQuRoses
No wonder!!! ;()
Reply #16 of 21 posted 6 JUN 09 by Margaret Furness
Now add Victoriana, and you'll have the full catastrophe.
(My degree is in radiology - black & white stuff.)
Reply #17 of 21 posted 7 JUN 09 by Jeff Britt
Degree in horticulture and strong opinions. That's all. And in NO way do I mean to demean anyone's color sense. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I believe that completely. CDM has merits that I cannot appreciate, but you do. Thank God we're not all alike!
most recent 10 NOV 10 SHOW ALL
Initial post 22 APR 05 by Jean Marion
Just wondering why this supposedly stellar rose has an ARS rating of 6.9 ?? Anyone have problems with this rose?
Reply #1 of 19 posted 23 APR 05 by The Old Rosarian
Amber Queen is one of those roses that when it is good it is a beautiful rose but it can be trickly so perhaps that is why the low rating. I have had 3 Amber Queens and only one did very well.
Reply #2 of 19 posted 20 SEP 07 by Michael Garhart
Who knows. I'd bet money that a rose with a certain rating one year could have an entirely different rating the next year.

It's a good all-around rose though. It's not perfect, but it rounds out some good points nicely too. I think one thing people may rate it low for is it's color. It is a love it or hate it color. Also, it grows more upright and thorny than most people prefer in floribundas.
Reply #3 of 19 posted 25 OCT 07 by Robert Neil Rippetoe
Jean, the low rating is undoubtedly related to the rose's exhibition record and has nothing to do with garden performance. Exhibitors are the primary source of input for these scores. I never look at ARS ratings anymore. They are meaningless to most of us who don't exhibit.
Reply #4 of 19 posted 20 APR 09 by Jeff Britt
I hadn't realized until just this week how much the exhibition performance of a rose effects its ARS rating. I have been doing some long overdue reading about ARS and rose ratings and was stunned to find that exhibition ratings are more important than things like fragrance. For 99.9% of the gardening public who will never exhibit a rose, it creates an ARS rating system that makes little sense. No wonder ARS has lost so much credibility with the public -- it has made itself somewhat irrelevant.

Perhaps there could be a second ARS rating for "garden performance" that leaves out all the exhibition rating numbers, since only a tiny minority of gardeners would care about that. That might create a rating system that would be relevant to gardeners and more accurately describe rose performance in the garden. I know, I look to see of a rose has the ADR. That means suggests something very positive about garden performance, something the ARS ratings and awards do not.
Reply #5 of 19 posted 20 APR 09 by Robert Neil Rippetoe
"it has made itself somewhat irrelevant"

I'm sad to say you're right and I've been saying it for a decade, or more. Emphasis on exhibiting and failure to embrace technology in a timely way, has and will, cost ARS dearly.

I predict it will take new leadership and reworking from the ground up to bring it current with the needs of today's gardening public.

ARS emphasis should be education. Exhibition with an emphasis on garden performance, and less, or no, emphasis on competition would go a long way to setting things right.

People need to be educated about what does well in their individual gardening climate(s), how to use less water, fertilizer and chemical intervention. JMHO
Reply #8 of 19 posted 21 APR 09 by Jeff Britt
I agree with you. The leadership of ARS seems to be in the clutches of folks who are fixated on putting on "rose shows" and winning ribbons. Even the names of some of the awards given at ARS shows seem old fashioned and anachronistic -- "King of Show", "Queen of Show", "Court of Honor" -- they sound like something from a beauty pageant. There is nothing wrong with any of this, as long as ARS leadership realizes that exhibiting is of NO relevance to gardeners.

Most gardeners need basic education and advice on which roses are best for their particular needs and situation. After all, roses are just another landscape element. Selecting the right plant(s) is key to having success in the garden, and so is basic gardening know-how. The fact that so many roses highly rated by ARS are tough to grow in the garden leads many a novice gardener to give up on roses. The general notion amongst most beginning gardeners is that roses are "too fussy," require spraying, special fertilizing and pruning, and the perfect soil and exposure, or they'll sulk and die. ARS's annual promotion of exhibition-worthy HT's, but which grow to 6' tall, bristle with prickles, suffer from black spot and have bare knees, almost guarantees novice gardeners will be turned off by roses. Rather than promoting the growing of roses, ARS is effectively doing the opposite.

It's very familiar to me. I was involved with the American Orchid Society and trained to be a judge for five years, so got an up-close and personal view of how plant societies work. AOS must be nearly as large as ARS and just as "out of it." Turning the ship around will take a long, long time.
Reply #9 of 19 posted 21 APR 09 by jedmar
How anachronistic! Rose shows belong for me to the end of the 19th and early 20th century, when boxes of "perfect" blooms where meticulously prepared and exhibited. Most of these prize winners were not suitable for gardens and disappeared. I checked the website of the World Federation of Rose Societies: Rose shows seem to still exist only in USA, UK and Australia. It must be the british "competing gene".
We still have our dog, cat, rabbit, poultry shows, though!
Reply #6 of 19 posted 21 APR 09 by HMF Admin
Jeff, have you looked into the HMF rating system. We are open to suggestions for new plant rating categories.
Reply #7 of 19 posted 21 APR 09 by Jeff Britt
Yes, I have looked at the HMF rating system and have rated many of the roses I have grown, something I wish more visitors to this site would do. It certainly looks like a better rating system than ARS, though obviously less elaborate. I might add a rating category for "heat resistance" since this seems to be such an issue to many US gardeners (though not a problem I have to contend with!). European gardeners might wish to rate "rain resistance" as well. Also, for shrub roses or varieties used as landscape shrubs, whether the plants are "self-cleaning" is important. There is nothing worse than looking at a rose shrub covered with flower mummies. I am not familiar with the evaluation criteria for the ADR, but I suspect that would make a good template for devising any updated rating system on HMF.

Though I very much like the existing HMF rating system, I am often dismayed at its use by those using it. Some folks seem to rate the individual criteria based on whether they "like" the rose or not. For example, Abraham Darby, which I believe has more "favorite" votes than any other rose, is rated "excellent" in all categories, including disease resistance. I am very fond of Abraham Darby, but there is no way it has excellent disease resistance. I think enthusiasm gets the better of many people rating their favorite roses, or the ones they don't like, and skews the category ratings. I guess all I'm saying is that bias will always be a problem in any kind of rating or judging system. I know I try to be objective when rating roses on HMF, but I'm sure I'm not, and suspect no one else is either.
Reply #10 of 19 posted 22 JAN 10 by maele
Wow Jeff, you hit the nail on the head exactly... in inland southern california, "can the rose take the heat or not" is my number one priority. Countless roses have been evicted from my yard becuase they fry in the sun, and only flower well in the spring. If I wanted once bloomers I would buy them wouldn't I? (And they would put on a better show than these floribunda/HT/etc. wimps). I also agree that self-cleaning is a very important category as well, as it is always nice to see clean shrubs that give you no guilt for neglecting them once in a while.
Reply #11 of 19 posted 22 JAN 10 by kahlenberg
i a surprised to hear so many unsatisfied voices about ars, because i have always looked across the ocean with envy, when it comes to roses. adr in germany goes a very different way and i am very unsatisfied about that as well. to get a good adr-rating it is just important, that the foliage is healthy, the flowers perform well in bad weater and the plant is in continous bloom. you can imagine, that it is not the most subtle or interesting varieties, who get the best ratings; in fact i think, two third of them are single or semi-double(not that i dont´t like single roses, but, of cause they are the easier ones under wet conditions). to me, they all lack very much in charm. they are roses for people, who say: i want this bed to be filled with red (or white, etc.) flowers the whole season, but in fact it wouldn´t make a difference, it it were roses, dahlias or chrysenthemums grown there.
Reply #12 of 19 posted 23 JAN 10 by Jeff Britt
I think your remarks about the ADR are probably quite fair, though I don't agree that rose and dahlias are in any way interchangeable. I think my frustration with ARS ratings is they place so little emphasis on the garden performance of rose varieties. Yes, just about everyone loves to see a beautiful rose, or several of them, in a vase. But a gardener's experience with roses is far more than that. Roses that require repeated spraying to keep the foliage looking half-way decent are not good garden plants, no matter what the flowers look like. And in California, at least, more and more chemical sprays that rose gardeners used to rely on have been taken off the market. That means, effectively, that roses are going to have to fend for themselves most of the time, without the assistance of sprays.

I'm sorry if the ADR seems to reward less interesting flowers, but it does seem to reward plants that have a chance of performing well in a garden. A high ARS rating means almost nothing about garden performance and leads too many gardeners with a broken heart -- a sickly plant with the occasional exquisite flower. With any luck, breeders will get the message that roses must have it all -- beautiful blooms, delightful fragrance, quick repeat bloom in a wide variety of climates, vigor and real disease resistance. It's a lot to ask, but ARS' rating system will not lead us there. The ADR might.
Reply #13 of 19 posted 23 JAN 10 by Robert Neil Rippetoe
Reply #19 of 19 posted 10 NOV 10 by RobC
I think you may be thinking about something like the Gold Standard rose award that we have in the UK ( Unlike the ARS it is given for garden worthiness and unlike the ADR it is not just given to slightly boring but super healthy single-flowered ground cover varieties (okay a bit unfair on the ADR I know). Most of the awards are for British/European bred varieties but there are a few US ones there too.
Reply #14 of 19 posted 24 JAN 10 by CarolynB
"Jeff, have you looked into the HMF rating system." I wasn't aware of this before, and I just took a look at the Ratings section. I see that HMF lists various categories, such as bloom color or disease resistance, then lists under those categories the roses which members have voted "excellent" in that category. I don't see any detail as to what makes them excellent. This categories list is a definite step in the right direction, but it would be helpful to have some detail regarding what prompts the "excellent" rating, because not everyone considers the same factors equally important. Or, another helpful thing might be some sort of number rating for each category, for each rose. The numbers could have specific designated meanings, like 4=excellent, 3=good, 2=fair, 1=poor -- or something similar. The number showing for each category & rose could be an average of all the members' ratings for that, to date. The categories and their numbers could appear on each individual rose page. Of course, this wouldn't factor in how different climates affect the votes. Maybe there's a way to address that, too, in the rating system?
Reply #15 of 19 posted 25 JAN 10 by Jeff Britt
I appreciate your comments about the HMF rating system. As it is, the ratings highly subjective and without specific criteria for each level. It is probably unrealistic to expect much more than a subjective rating here -- participants here are basing their ratings, presumably, on garden experience of specific varieties. One person's "excellent" might well be another person's "good" rating. Of course, the more ratings the clearer a consensus, although some roses get high ratings because they are sentimental favorites, not because they deserve them on their real merits (look at Peace/Mme A Meilland, for example).

This is why the comments section is so important. If everyone who rated a rose would take just a moment to comment on their experience of growing it, it would make the ratings more valuable. Some individual comments mean more to me than dozens of ratings. A comment from a member (whom I can contact by private message) who grows a rose in a climate similar to mine and describes their experience in some detail is invaluable.

In the end, I appreciate the HMF rating system, understand its limitations and wish more people would use the comments section for each rose to remark on their experience with it.
Reply #16 of 19 posted 25 JAN 10 by HMF Admin
HMF members should not rely on us having the best ideas or solutions. If you have an idea for a new feature or an improvement to an existing one let us know. We can't promise to implement it - it depends on how popular it is and the resources required - but every suggestion is recorded and taken into consideration.
Reply #17 of 19 posted 25 JAN 10 by CarolynB
Jeff, I agree with you that the Comments section is invaluable. After checking the rose Description page for basic information, the Comments page is always a crucial thing for me to check when I'm interested in a rose. I comment when I can, to try to give others the same help. I have very few roses compared to most serious rose growers (about 20), and some of mine have suffered unusual setbacks that delayed my getting realistic experience to relay. But I'm doing my best to offer useful information to others when I can, because I appreciate so much learning the experience of others offered here on HMF.
Reply #18 of 19 posted 26 JAN 10 by HMF Admin
Exactly! We cannot stress this enough - HMF is a "tool" for the gardening community to share their insight and experience. Please take the time to participate and enrich HMF for everyone.
most recent 5 MAR 10 SHOW ALL
Initial post 4 JAN 10 by maele
Originally I was going to get rid of Piñata because I don't like the way the blooms bleach and fade in the hot sun, HOWEVER I have been won over by the way this rose just never stops blooming in big sprays all year and has a lot even now that all the other roses (except Pat Austin) finally quit. Winter temps in my area rarely dip below 40, we had some 20something nights in december, so that just shows you that this rose will bloom no matter what. As for the blackspot others are reporting, I live in a dry area so have no experience with that, but I have had no other problems.
To avoid the bleaching of the blooms, I have decided that Piñata has earned a prime spot that gets afternoon shade and will be moved from its pot to a permanent home this spring.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 5 MAR 10 by k~T~h o'Silicon Valley
Try moving < PINATA > to an area with more shade; on the Calif. Coast this climber is great because it tolerates the Fog/shade quite well, and blooms into 1st week of December!
most recent 6 FEB 10 SHOW ALL
Initial post 14 DEC 09 by lurkling
we purchased a mr. lincoln from home depot, and so far i am underwhelmed. it is one of the worst growers in the garden. (other roses around it are doing fantastic.) does it take an extraordinarily long time to get going and show even leaf growth?

this particular rose is in south fl, in a large clay pot.

does ML do poorly in pots? is it not getting enough sun? is it just a really prissy, finicky plant??
Reply #1 of 1 posted 6 FEB 10 by maele
Most roses do better in the ground, but clay pots especially are hard on them because they dry out so quickly. So unless you water daily or it rains a lot and it is not very hot, you might want to move it to the ground or at least a different (and really big, about 15-20 gal) pot.
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