Dissertatio Inauguralis Botanico-Medica de Rosa (1762)
American Rose Annual 32:173-192 (1947) Classification and Breeding of Polyantha Roses By DR. WALTER E. LAMMERTS
A very complex hybrid polyantha is the cross of Karen Poulsen X R. moyesi, called Langley Gem. This is actually a polyantha X hybrid tea X hybrid tea X R. moyesi. It has leathery bronzy foliage and even if only partially fertile should be useful in introducing the unique blood red color.
The Gardeners' Chronicle, May 6, 1899; p 276
Sunrise, is a beautiful "gain" of Mr. Piper's, of Uckfield; it is a brilliant orange-yellow flower, with the back of the petals rosy-pink, of excellent form, and very free-flowering. It was shown in fine condition at the Royal Horticultural Society's meeting on May 2.