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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
and everything gardening related.
Reinhard Witt
'R. tomentosa' rose photo
Photo courtesy of Reinhard Witt
Reinhard Witt
Bavaria, Germany
My special interest lays in natural gardening, wild gardens with native plants. I have written a lot of books in this field and have founded 1990 the german non-profit organisation Naturgarten e.V. ( My profession is in the maintime to plan, project and build Kindergarden, playing areas and schoolyards together with the people, surely natural. Recent my new book about natural roses has been published. I´m sorry, but it´s written in german language. But it has over 1000 photos. That´s the titel: Naturnahe Rosen - Garten- und Wildformen. Blütenfülle, Hagebuttenpracht, Ökologie. In the meantime (2012) I have divided the one in two books. The fist one with normal roses (Strauchrosen), the second one with ramblers and Kleinstrauchrosen. Both books have got a german bookprize. You can get it from my bookshop on

My interest in roses include the forms from middle europe and naturallike gardenforms, which produce hips. More from me on the website:
Very experienced (41 years)
Author, Photographer
Last visit: More than a year ago

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