Hello, I would like to know how Angel face roses go to seed? And what I need to do after that? And when is the best time to do it?
If you plant seeds of a rose (other than a species rose with no other varieties within pollinating distance), you won't get the same variety from the seeds. If you want more Angel Face from your plant, you'll need to grow it from cuttings (slips). In general; rose hips can be collected when they are ripe, shown by a change in colour. The outer part contains a growth inhibitor, so it's best to remove the seeds from inside it. They do better with a cold winter, so if you can't provide that, you may want to put them in the vegetable crisper of your fridge for a month or two. One option is to put them in a plastic lunch box (with lid), with seeds arranged on a damp sponge (can fit several layers in the box). The seeds can be planted about 1cm down in sandy or seed-raising potting mix (no fertiliser) in late winter. A broccoli box is traditional (here) but not obligatory! Don't use heat. A local rose society would be able to advise you, especially about whether fungicides are needed, how often you'll need to water, and when to start feeding the plantlets. In general, the ones that are going to be repeat-flowerers should flower in early summer. (I'm basing my comments on zone 9, where we'd put the box in filtered sun/shade).
Hello Margert, Thanks for all the information that you sent to me. GodBless you always,Pat
#3 of 4 posted
18 APR 20 by
Thanks Margaret There is some very good suggestions in your post. They are most helpful. Bonita
Thank you. These days I'd plant in July. Repeat-flowerers should flower by Christmas. (Southern hemisphere). See Warren Millington's article on rose breeding, in the HRIA Journal of spring 2011, p. 35.
Initial post
30 APR 05 by
Unregistered Guest
I have recently aquired an "angel face" rose. I am located in zone 5b..which I believe is pushing the envelope of survivability for this rose. I am wondering if any one else in a zone under 6 has had luck with this rose with minimal or no special winter protection. I would liketo add "angel face" to my garden though I'm growing it in a container for now and may keep it that way depending on what I learn. Thank you!
#1 of 8 posted
4 MAY 05 by
I live in Ohio zone 5. I have had an angel face at my old house and it did fine with a good layer of mulch around it. About 4 to 5 inches deep. We moved and I just got a new one for this house. I got it at K-mart and it is doing great even with the cold weather we have been having. (this morning there was frost on the car, and it snowed last weekend).
#2 of 8 posted
5 MAY 05 by
Unregistered Guest
Thank you Pam. Helpful advice and much appreciated! Since I already mulch I guess I'm good to go!
I grew this rose in Lincoln, Nebraska (zone 5a/4b) with no problem on a sunny, northwest, windy exposure. Mulch to about 3" deep was all that was needed. In a colder-than-usual winter, I'd either mulch to about 6" deep or be prepared to prune back pretty hard in the springtime. One of the least troublesome roses with great fragrance that I've ever grown.
I purchased this rose a couple years ago from wal-mart..maybe the root stock is inferior but I don't have but 1-2 blooms a year on it..I have lots of room 43 acres but if I had a small yard I would pull out this rose,I like the color and shape,but it's not worth growing as far as I'm conserned and I won't buy another one that's for sure...just my two cents for what it's worth...:-)
#5 of 8 posted
1 APR 08 by
Unregistered Guest
my friend bought Angel Face and planted it at her mother's when her 3rd daughter was born. We are in 5b-6a down here and she is probably 500feet higher so likely 4b-5a. She mulches it every winter and takes proper care of it. It is a really lovely healthy rose for her. The mulch she uses is a Canadian product called Natures' Gold. Anyone who has used this product swears by it. (Just don't ask me what is in it.) Hence, it has made me want to add Angel Face to my own potted collection.
I am officially in zone 6 but really it is more zone 5 where I live, with winter temps down to -20, and very dry. I have had 1 Angel Face (grafted) for a few years. It is not very vigorous. I am considering getting another that is on its own root, since I love the flower. I have never given it any special protection.
#7 of 8 posted
18 APR 08 by
I lived in upstate NY for a long time. I never let a time go by when I did not have Angel Face, however, even with good winter protection, it did not survive every year. Hence, I had more than on bush over the years. Now I live in the severe climate of the desert South West. I am still growing Angel Face. It hangs in there, but is less vigorous than some other roses in my garden. I love it, though, and will always have it in my garden. The fragrance is the best.
Hello, You said that you have had several angel face rose bushes.So I want to ask you if you know how they go to seed,and when I need to remove the pod.And what I need to do next. This is the first one that I have had like this.And I do want to have more.But I want to do it myself. I would appreciate any help that you can give to me.I do know that they only require about 4 hours of sunlight.The rest in shade.My plant is quite healthy.I almost lost it to the cold nights this past winter.And I live in California.It was because of the frostI think. Hope to hear from you soon> You can email me at Pat.
Hello, I have gotten a Angel face rose bush from my daughter formy birthday.What I want to know is how they go to seed,an how I would start them after tha?.As I would like to have more of them.
I need to know how the angel face rose goes to seed,and how I handle them.As they are new to me?