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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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Rideau Rose Lad
most recent 11 SEP 18 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 11 SEP 18 by Rideau Rose Lad
I recently acquired a copy of David Austin's book; "Old Roses and English Roses", first published in 1992. He lists the parentage of Potter and Moore as being "Wife of Bath x Seedling".
Reply #1 of 1 posted 11 SEP 18 by Patricia Routley
Many thanks Rideau Rose Lad. Parentage added. We're grateful for any information like this.
most recent 21 MAR 18 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 21 MAR 18 by Rideau Rose Lad
I agree with Nastarana's comment below. I grew this rose in zone 4B with lowest temperatures to -30 C every winter. I would cut her back in the late fall to about 30 cms and wrap her with straw. She would regrow to 2 metres or more every summer and bloom extremely well. I grew her as a small climber to which she is very well adapted with flexible new canes that were easy to wrap or espalier. A very good rose with some winter care.
most recent 24 MAY 13 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 24 MAY 13 by Rideau Rose Lad
I grow this rose in Eastern Canada, zone 4b, and like it very much. It dies to the ground each winter even when covered, but has come back year after year. I love the colour, bloom form and fragrance. According to a 2008 blog I found by Danish Rosarian Niels Plougman, the parentage is Claire Renaisance X Sunhit, both Poulsen bred roses. An excerpt from that blog reads:

"...Kronprinsesse Mary Castle - It is a cream white floribunda rose, with a rosette shaped yellow center, that fades to almost pure white in the sun. It becomes a bushy little shrub rose about 3 feet tall and 2 feet wide. It´s parents are: Clair Renaissance and Sun Hit - 2 roses that are very fragrant, healthy and popular for the abundance of fragrant flowers produced from early summer, until winter sets in. It is very easy to grow because of the good disease resistance and the fully double flowers have a very sweet fragrance..."
most recent 5 JUL 11 SHOW ALL
Initial post 1 JUN 08 by Rideau Rose Lad
Eastern Ontario, zone 4b
Healthy, extremely fragrant, repeats in flushes, gorgeous blooms and probably the most winter hardy English Rose. Cane hardy to the tips with temperatures to -30C for several winters now, can compete with Ag Canada roses for hardiness in my experience. One of Mr. Austin's best cold climate roses. A winner.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 5 JUL 11 by anonymous-427487
It is fully susceptible to blackspot here in Appalachia z. 6b. I've seen mildew as well.

Very beautiful flowers with arresting fragrance, on long stems and good for cutting. Excellent shrub habit, upright and slightly vase-shaped with no rogue canes, strong repeat bloom.
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