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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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most recent 13 MAY 09 SHOW ALL
Initial post 14 JAN 09 by Terry
I planted three Janet roses last spring. I bought them because Jackson & Perkins described them as having a "potent tea rose" fragrance. However, mine have virtually no scent, which has been a big disappointment to me, as I planted them along a little path where I thought it would be pleasant to have fragrance as one walked by. The flowers are very pretty, and the plant itself has grown into a sprawling monster, with long arching canes. I live in Los Angeles, about five miles from the ocean.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 13 MAY 09 by anonymous-272483
No scent on my Janet either. It is a very pale, translucent pink- blooms on the ends of long canes. Definately a climber. Im disappointed but Im going to keep her- I will move her somewhere where I can tie her up. I will say this- clean foliage! No disease problems for me with Janet.
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