Please note that "Gemini" goes by the name of "St Johns College" in South Africa
#2 of 3 posted
28 APR 18 by
Good evening Madame, Monsieur, First, excuse me for my bad english... I am interested in the origin of the name of St Johns College. You published a post about it a lot of time ago .... And I come a little late on this discussion ... is it possible to know for which occasion the rose has received the name of this college ? Did the college commission this rose? Was the creator a member of this college?
Merci beaucoup !
Kind regards
Pascal Strasbourg France
I think that Ludwig's Roses of South Africa named it after the South African school in Johannesburg to commemorate an event.
Rose Listing Omission
Souvenir of Stella Gray
I am looking for a rose by the name 'Souvenir of Stella Gray', intorduced by A. Dickson in 1907. The "Old Rose Advisor" lists her on page 90 and she is not to be confused with 'Allister Stella Gray'
Check here http://www.helpmefind.com/rose/l.php?l=2.34335
Hi Stefanie Do you have a particular interest in this rose? It's one that intrigues me. So many of the Tea roses disappeared from nursery catalogues by 1920, but 'Souvenir of Stella Gray' was widely available (in Australia at least) right up to the 1950s - and yet, to date, we have found absolutely no named plants and found no-one who can remember it.