Initial post
12 APR 09 by
Please check the growing zones for Mr. Lincoln. I'm sure this rose tolerates zones that are colder than 7b -10b (the numbers currently shown on this website). Other websites are showing the growing zones for Mr. Lincoln as 5-9, 4-9 or 3-9! I've seen it growing successfully in zone 5. Thanks!
#1 of 1 posted
16 MAY 09 by
I saw Mr. Lincoln classified for zone 7a as well. That may be a mistake. I grow it in zone 6a and this winter, with unusually low temperatures, it suffered much dieback. I am convinced that in warmer zones it does much better. Zone 7a may be a stretch, but I wouldn't recommend it for zone 5.
Initial post
25 FEB 04 by
Unregistered Guest
I found a sign with the sort designation to good day, in Spain at a sort Chrysler imperial Roja perciopelo can help you me under which name this sort in nursery gardens offered will-thank
#1 of 3 posted
11 OCT 03 by
Unregistered Guest
I live in Spain and have found that Chrysler Imperial is very popular and widely available here. It can be bought at almost every garden centre. The label you have found is also common and the word "tercioelo" means velvet, referring, in this case, to the petal texture.
Not sure if I´ve answred your question, but hope so.
#2 of 3 posted
15 SEP 04 by
Unregistered Guest
Sorry. I can't english writting. Efectivamente la rosa Chrysler Imperial es muy popular en España desde los años sesenta. En Madrid, hay magníficos arriates en la Rosaleda del Parque del Retiro y en la Rosaleda del Parque del Oeste. Su apelativo "roja terciopelo" = red velvet, se refiere a la textura de los pétalos y al color. Textura y color, similares, que recuerdan, al terciopelo clásico español (textil). Posiblemente, por esa causa, es tan popular. Atentamente
#3 of 3 posted
2 SEP 08 by
Gracias por la información. Si no sabes escribir en ingles, no te preocupes. Hay mucha gente que entiende español y apreciamos todos los comentarios.